This is what I cook when I crave Pizza. It’s super quick & easy. I recommend this Abura-age Pizza for who have gluten allergy. The base is Abura-age (Fried Thin Tofu) that is available from most Asian grocery stores. Remove excess oil from Abura-age before use.


1 Serving


1 to 2 sheets Abura-age (Fried Thin Tofu)
Pizza Cheese Mix OR Grated Tasty Cheese (Cheddar)
Toppings of your choice *Today I used chopped Bacon, Parsley and Black Pepper.

  1. Wrap Abura-age with paper towel and warm in microwave. Then press it well to remove excess oil.
  2. Spread some toppings and Cheese.
  3. Bake or grill just like pizza until top is slightly browned. *Note: I cooked it in my mini toaster oven.