Gelatine, Kanten and Agar Agar are the most common gelling agents used for setting liquid to make gelatinous dessert. Gelatine is made from pork skins, cattle bones or hides. Kanten (Japanese) and Agar Agar (Malay) are made from sea plants.

Kanten and Agar Agar are almost same, but some Agar products contain a substance made from Carob Tree seeds and you need to use it carefully because it is different from Agar Agar. Kanten and Agar Agar make unique textured jellies.

  1. Use 2-2.5g Gelatine powder to 100ml of liquid
    *e.g. Coffee 200ml & Gelatine 4g to make ‘Coffee Jelly’
  2. Gelatine dissolves when the temperature of the liquid is above 60℃
  3. Use less Gelatine powder for softer texture and more Gelatine powder for firmer texture
  4. Queen’s ‘Jel-It-In’ Vegetarian Gelling Powder can be used in the similar way as Gelatine, but it needs to be boiled.
  1. Use 1-1.5g Kanten powder to 100ml of liquid
    *e.g. Orange Juice 250ml & Kanten 2g to make ‘Orange Jelly’
  2. Kanten needs to be dissolved in liquid by bringing it to the boil over medium heat and then simmering until thickened.
  3. Use less Kanten powder for softer texture and more Kanten powder for firmer texture
  4. Golden Cup Agar Agar Powder can be used in the same way as Kanten
    *Note: This is the Kanten Powder I use.
Agar Agar
  1. Use 1-1.5g Agar Agar powder to 100ml of liquid
    *e.g. Cranberry Juice 250ml & Agar 2g for ‘Cranberry Juice Jelly’
  2. Like Kanten, Agar Agar needs to be dissolved in liquid by bringing it to the boil over medium heat. Some Agar powder dissolves when the temperature of the liquid is above 90℃.
  3. Use less Agar Agar powder for softer texture and more Agar Agar Powder for firmer texture
  4. Some Agar products contain a substance made from Carob Tree seeds and you need to use it carefully because it is different from Agar Agar. Use it according to the instruction on the package.