Archive for November 10th, 2018

  • Dips & Spreads Vegetables


    This is one of my favourite dips and bread spreads. It is so tasty and refreshing. ‘Guacamole’ is traditionally made by mashing Avocado(s) and Salt, but you can find so many different recipes these days. Many of them require Coriander, which my husband and son hate. They are genetic Coriander haters. They just can’t identify …

  • Beef Pork Spaghetti & Pasta

    Spaghetti & Meatballs in Tomato Sauce

    This dish has another name. My children call it ‘Lupin III Spaghetti’. If you have just said ‘YES!’, you know Hayao Miyazaki, a legendary Japanese animation director and a co-founder of Studio Ghibli. He is famous for loads of animated films. You may know ‘Spirited Away’, one of his award-winning works. In the film called …