
  • Beans & Peas Vegetables

    Sweet Potato, Lentil & Spinach Salad

    A dish that was cooked by a friend of mine, her name is Shelley, inspired me to cook this salad. Shelley used a variety of Root Vegetables and more ingredients including Pepitas and Pine Nuts. Today I tried to cook something similar using limited ingredients I had, and it was not bad at all. This …

  • Vegetables

    Stir-fried Okra with Garlic & Chilli

    For those who have never cooked OR eaten Okra, here is a super easy recipe you can try. It’s a very simple stir-fry with Garlic and Chilli. Today I used Olive Oil but Sesame Oil is also nice. You can add salty Anchovy, season with Soy Sauce OR add some spices. It can be Mediterranean, …

  • Vegetables

    Pan-fried Brussels Sprouts & Bacon

    This dish is not very healthy as Brussels Sprouts are cooked with Bacon fat. If you want to make it less unhealthy, you can remove all the Bacon fat and cook Brussels Sprouts with healthy Oil. Parmesan Cheese is optional, but I found it adds extra flavour and the dish tastes better. Makes 4 Servings …

  • Vegetables

    Turnip, Persimmon & Pear Salad

    Turnip & Persimmon ‘Namasu’, a type of Japanese salad, is one of my favourites. When Persimmons start to appear at stores in autumn, I always make it. Today I added Pear to make this salad because I believed Pear would improve the flavour, and I was right. This salad probably looks boring, but it is …

  • Vegetables

    Pumpkin Salad

    Sweet Pumpkin and salty Bacon are a delicious combination for this salad. Ham can be used instead of Bacon if you prefer. Use your favourite type of Pumpkin, but please be aware some types of Pumpkin tend to become very soft and wet when cooked. Those types are perfect for mushy salad. You can leave …

  • Other Soup Vegetables

    Creamy Corn Soup

    This is a very simple soup. Just Corn and Onion, and nothing else. You can use a can of Creamed Corn, fresh Corn OR frozen Corn Kernels. This soups is quite sweet and my children loved it when they were young. They would love it even more if there are some noodles in it. I …

  • Vegetables

    Spring Onion Pancake

    My savoury pancakes made with Plain Flour and Potato Starch are different from the typical pancakes. They have rubbery texture like Mochi. Some people who use my recipes think batter is too thick and they add more water. That will ruin the texture. The batter should be thick, and it binds the ingredients like a …

  • Pizza & Flammkuchen Vegetables

    Pizza made with Pureed Pumpkin

    I have received a message from someone who was looking for an alternative Pizza sauce as she could no longer eat Tomato and Garlic. She tried my ‘Miso & Mushroom Pizza’ and it seems she enjoyed it though she was skeptical first. ‘Hoisin Sauce & Chicken Pizza’ is also really yummy. For ‘Teriyaki Chicken Pizza’, …

  • Other Soup Vegetables

    Pumpkin & Cauliflower Soup

    When I cook ‘Pumpkin Soup’, I usually cook Pumpkin with Onion and Potato. Today I cooked with Onion and Cauliflower, expecting less starchy & lighter texture. The texture of this soup was still thick and creamy, but I liked the flavour very much. I usually don’t add Garlic to Pumpkin Soup, but I added 1 …

  • Chicken Other Soup Vegetables

    ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup

    My husband’s mother kept telling us Silverbeet (Swiss Chard) would fix not only Cold but everything. Thus, Silverbeet is an essential ingredient for my ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup, but my family members prefer Spinach. Another essential ingredient is fresh Ginger. The most important thing to remember when you cook this soup for a sick person is …

  • Donburi (Rice Bowl) Pork Vegetables

    Ginger Pork & Eggplant Rice Bowl

    Pork and Eggplant is a great combination. This is the easiest Pork & Eggplant Rice Bowl recipe. I just covered the Rice with the popular Ginger Pork, but I cooked it with Eggplant. Using thinly sliced Pork and Eggplant, it won’t take long to cook. You need to prepare everything before you start cooking. Makes …

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