Turnip & Persimmon ‘Namasu’, a type of Japanese salad, is one of my favourites. When Persimmons start to appear at stores in autumn, I always make it. Today I added Pear to make this salad because I believed Pear would improve the flavour, and I was right. This salad probably looks boring, but it is absolutely delicious.


4 Servings


1 Turnip *It weighed 180g today.
1 Persimmon *soft one is NOT suitable
1 Pear
*Note: Use about same size Turnip, Persimmon and Pear

1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon White Wine Vinegar
1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil
*Note: You can use 2 tablespoons French Dressing

  1. Combine the Dressing ingredients in a mixing bowl. *Note: You can add some ground Pepper if you like.
  2. Peel Turnip, Persimmon and Pear, and cut them into thin strips. Add them to the Dressing in the mixing bowl, and mix to combine. Rest in the fridge for at least 10 minutes. Mix again before serve.