Use a 210g can of Salmon to make this delicious Frittata. The best method to cook Frittata for me is my rice cooker which has ‘Cake’ setting. And to cook Frittata in a rice cooker, I recommend to add some Flour because it helps to create more stable texture. Another ingredient that I always add …
The other day I made ‘Teriyaki Salmon Sushi Rice Bowl’ and one of the toppings was a salad of Lettuce and Avocado with Mayonnaise. When I ate Teriyaki Salmon with Mayonnaise, I realised they were a delicious combination. Today I made this simple rice bowl. Because Rice was not seasoned like Sushi Rice, the amount …
This is the recipe for 1 serving, but it is easy to multiply it. If you cook for a more than two servings, please see ‘Sushi Rice’ recipe page. The main topping for this rice bowl is Teriyaki Salmon. Add any additional ingredients that you like. Makes 1 Serving Ingredients Sushi Rice1 serving (about 200g) …
This is a very comforting soup and absolutely easy to cook. The softly cooked Salmon and Potato are delicious in this Milk Soup. I like to thicken the soup and it can be done with Corn Starch, but thickening is optional. Enjoy this Soup with your favourite bread. Makes 2 Servings Ingredients 300g Salmon Fillets …
This delicious looking dish is absolutely easy to cook. Today I used already diced skinless Salmon and Baby Spinach that was ready to eat, so I didn’t need to wash it. I believe Capers is the important ingredient for this dish as the salty & sour Capers add a great flavour. Try this recipe. You …
This dish of baked Salmon is quick and easy to prepare, absolutely delicious, and looks pretty. I use my mini toaster oven to bake them, but you can use regular oven, or you may wish to use air fryer, which I have never used. You may prefer cooking larger fillets of Salmon. In that case, …
If you are a big fan of Japanese food, you may have tasted ‘Yuzu Koshō’. It is a Japanese condiment, that is made with zest of Yuzu (a citrus fruit), Green Chilli and Salt. Many Asian grocery stores sell ‘Yuzu Koshō’ in a tube. Today I added it to this Salmon & Shimeji Takikomigohan. The …
Salmon seems to be the most popular fish in Melbourne where I live. Fresh OR frozen Salmon fillets are available from any supermarket stores. I use skinless fillets to cook this easy Salmon Rice Bowl. There are many sauces that go well with the pan-fried Salmon, but this spicy sauce is my favourite at the …
This is my favourite hot day dish, that I often prepare for my family on a very hot day and I don’t want to cook anything. My kitchen has a large window that is facing west, and the kitchen can get extremely hot. While it is still not too hot, I prepare Sushi Rice and …
‘Doria’ is a very popular Japanese rice dish. Butter Rice or Pilaf is covered with White Sauce (Béchamel Sauce) and grated Cheese, then baked in the oven. Today I added Corn Kernels to the Butter Rice. Then I decided to add some Soy Sauce to it, as I love ‘Butter & Soy Sauce Corn Rice’. …
This is another popular dish that you can make with ‘Shio Kombu’ (塩昆布), a Japanese product of thinly sliced Kombu (Kelp) that is seasoned with Soy Sauce and Mirin, and looks like coated with Salt. Just mix the Seasoned Kombu and Canned Salmon with freshly cooked Rice. It’s a super simple, easy to make, and …
Sushi Rice is seasoned with Vinegar, Sugar and Salt. The sweet and sour Sushi Rice goes well with so many different ingredients and flavours. These days we can find many creative fusion style Sushi Rolls, can’t we? Today I added Smoked Salmon & Avocado Salad on Sushi Rice. Dressing is made with Mayonnaise and Dill. …