Baked & Fried Rice

  • Baked & Fried Rice Beans & Peas

    Spicy Nattō Fried Rice

    Nattō, fermented Soy Beans, is a very nutritious and healthy food, but many people hate it because of its smell. I have shared many Nattō recipes on this website. Here is another one you can try. It’s a Spicy Fried Rice cooked with Toban Djan (Chilli Bean Sauce). As Toban Djan is quite salty, DO …

  • Baked & Fried Rice Fish

    Mackerel Fried Rice

    Mackerel is my favourite fish and I particularly love John West’s canned Mackerel in Brine. Anything with the Mackerel in it is delicious to me, though my husband says it smells fishy. So I cooked this Mackerel Fried Rice just for me. This is a very simple fried rice, quick and easy, and absolutely delicious. …

  • Baked & Fried Rice Fish

    Corn Rice & Salmon Doria

    ‘Doria’ is a very popular Japanese rice dish. Butter Rice or Pilaf is covered with White Sauce (Béchamel Sauce) and grated Cheese, then baked in the oven. Today I added Corn Kernels to the Butter Rice. Then I decided to add some Soy Sauce to it, as I love ‘Butter & Soy Sauce Corn Rice’. …

  • Baked & Fried Rice

    Oven-Baked Cajun Style Dirty Rice

    This dirty looking Oven-Baked Rice is made with Chicken Giblets (Gizzards and Livers). I think Livers make the dirty colour. It is actually delicious and you know Gizzards and Livers are cheap. It is not hard to make, but you need to work fair bit to prepare Gizzards and Livers. Serve with a refreshing salad. …

  • Baked & Fried Rice

    Scallops & Spinach Doria

    The other day I bought a bag of Frozen Scallops that was on special. Fresh Scallops are quite expensive where I live and I rarely buy them, but I tend to jump at Frozen Scallops on special. Using those rather small Frozen Scallops, I made this delicious Doria today. White Sauce (Béchamel Sauce) is super …

  • Baked & Fried Rice Chicken Egg

    Easy ‘Omu-rice’ Bowl

    If you have been to Japan, you might have tried a popular dish called ‘Omu-rice’ (Omelette Rice). It is hugely popular, my children loved it when they were young and they still do, but it is actually not quick & easy to prepare for a whole family. I often made this easy version. It tastes …

  • Baked & Fried Rice Chicken

    Mexican Chicken Baked Rice

    Today I tried to make my ‘Chicken & Chorizo Baked Rice’ into Mexican flavour. I basically added the same Spices that I use to cook ‘Chilli Con Carne’. I didn’t add Chorizo today, but you can add it. The brilliant addition to this dish is Cheese. I used ‘Cheese Mix for Baking’, that is a …

  • Baked & Fried Rice Egg

    Cheesy Rice Omelette

    What do you cook with leftover Cooked Rice? ‘Doria’ is my first choice if I cook something for my family. I frequently cook Rice Soup and Fried Rice. This is a new option for leftover Cooked Rice. It is Omelette with melting Cheese on top. You can add bits and pieces of leftovers. I added …

  • Baked & Fried Rice

    Fried Leftover Sushi Rice

    When I cook Sushi Rice for a special occasion to entertain our guests, I often end up having some leftover Sushi Rice. Does it happen to you, too? You don’t waste it, do you? Leftover Cooked Rice is often used for Soup OR Fried Rice. Sushi Rice can be used in the same ways. Hot …

  • Baked & Fried Rice

    ‘Yakiniku’ Sauce Fried Rice

    When I make ‘My Family’s Yakiniku Sauce’, I always make a large amount, because ‘Yakiniku’ Sauce is very versatile and can be used for many dishes. It is best to use for seasoning stir-fry Meat & Vegetable, but it is a perfect sauce to season fried rice, too. You only need ‘Yakiniku’ Sauce, and nothing …

  • Baked & Fried Rice

    Tuna & Spinach Doria

    ‘Doria’ dish is my first choice to cook when I have leftover cooked rice. Using a canned Tuna and a bag of Baby Spinach, which is ready to use, this comforting and delicious ‘Doria’ is easy to prepare. Tuna and Spinach are a good combination indeed. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 4 servings Cooked Rice *warmed30g …

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