
  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Earl Grey Tea Cookies

    You can use your favourite tea leaves, but I like to use Earl Grey. The tea leaves should be finely ground, so tea bags would be the easiest to use. I added the contents of 2 tea bags to my ‘Easiest Sweet Shortcrust Pastry’ that can be a fantastic cookie dough. Shortbread dough is also …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Frying Pan Crumble

    Crumble can be made without an oven. This crunchy Crumble was made in a frying pan, and it is the most energy efficient method. Add this Crumble to Pan-stewed Apple, and that is Apple Crumble as you can see the photo below. You can add this Crumble to other stewed fruit, canned fruit, OR ice …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Matcha

    Matcha Snowball Cookies

    These cookies melt in your mouth. I love the delicate powdery texture of these cookies. The cookie dough needs to be dry and just moist enough so that you can form it into balls. DO NOT add more Sugar to the dough because I think it will ruin the flavour. The cookies will get coated …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Egg White & Pepitas Biscuits

    When I want to use up leftover Egg White, I most likely bake ‘Langues de Chat’ Biscuits, but not in the proper way any more. I thinly spread the mixture on a baking tray and make one large biscuit. It’s easy to break it into smaller pieces as the biscuit becomes crispy when cools down. …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    American Style Brownie Cookies

    I tried a few American recipe to make Brownie Cookies, but I found them too sweet and the amount was not right for me. This is the recipe I made for myself. Cookies might be not sweet enough for you, but they are absolutely sweet for me. I use an Australian standard size baking tray …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Sugar Coated Citrus Peel Cookies

    I bought a bag of Mixed Peel for Christmas baking, and there was leftover, as always. I often make scones and cupcakes to use it up. Today I made these cookies. Basically I just added some Mixed Peel to my ‘Easiest Sweet Shortcrust Pastry’, but I replaced a part of Flour with Almond Meal. I …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts

    Dates & Walnuts Cookies

    Today I made these cookies to use up leftover Dates and Walnuts, which had been sitting in my pantry for a long time. I used my Basic Cookie Dough, but I reduced the amount of Flour as I wanted to add a lot of Walnuts and Dates. The cookies were really delicious and very sweet …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Empire Biscuits

    I wonder why these biscuits are called ‘Empire Biscuits’. It seems there are different names in different regions, but I call them ‘Empire Biscuits’. I use my old classic ‘Shortbread’ recipe for the biscuits. Many people use red coloured Glacé Cherries for the topping, but I prefer natural coloured ones. This is a perfect treat …

  • Cold Sweets

    Choc Ripple Cheesecake

    When I use Arnott’s Choc Ripple Biscuits for a Cheesecake’s base, I always have many leftovers. The other day, I decided to add the leftover Biscuits to the Cheesecake filling, and it turned a yummy Choc Ripple Cheesecake. Today I added Biscuits on top as well, so I used 1 whole packet. As I expected, …

  • Cold Sweets

    Coconut Sago Pudding Dessert

    This is my copy of a dessert that I ate at a restaurant the other day. It was quite dark in the restaurant and my eye sight was not very good, but the dessert looked like this. My copy tastes pretty close to the original, which cost $12. Well, if you make it by yourself, …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Cocoa Oats & Almond Cookies

    I have a great recipe for ‘Oats & Banana Cookies’. They can be made with No Egg, No Flour, No Dairy. The binding ingredient is Ripe Banana, so they taste Banana. The other day, I wanted to make Cocoa flavoured Oats Cookies, but I didn’t have Banana. So I made a new recipe. You need …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Gingerbread Cookies

    I have a very precious Gingerbread recipe. I often made Gingerbread Men with my children when they were young. But I don’t remember when was the last time. Today I made the proper Gingerbread for the first time in many years, but I couldn’t bother cutting it out into shapes. I rolled the dough into …

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