Based on my ‘Basic Bavarois’ recipe, you can make a variety of Bavarois in different flavours. Today I replaced Milk with Orange Juice and made this delicious dessert. Topping is optional, but I strongly recommend to add some fresh Orange segments. Today I mixed the Orange segments with a little Sugar and Grand Marnier, but …
You can use leftover Roasted Potatoes OR Chips to cook this Frittata. Today I boiled 2 Potatoes. I always add some Flour to the mixture, so that it cooks better in the rice cooker. If you are going to purchase a rice cooker, I recommend to invest a little more money and get one has …
When I want to use up leftover Egg White, I most likely bake ‘Langues de Chat’ Biscuits, but not in the proper way any more. I thinly spread the mixture on a baking tray and make one large biscuit. It’s easy to break it into smaller pieces as the biscuit becomes crispy when cools down. …
One day about 20 years ago, I was walking on a street in Melbourne with Liana, my sister in law, and my daughter who was very young then. In front of a greengrocer, a vegetable caught my eyes. ‘Hairy Melon? That’s a unique name for a vegetable. Is it hairy?’ Liana touched it and said, …