
  • Beef Curry Donburi (Rice Bowl)

    Curry Flavoured Beef Rice Bowl

    I often cook ‘Quick & Easy Beef Rice Bowl’ for my lunch. This type of dish has been absolutely quick and easy since my local supermarket started selling super thinly sliced Beef and Pork, that are frozen and in tuber shape. You can find them at most Asian grocery stores. Today I added Garlic and …

  • Beans & Peas Lamb

    Stewed Lamb & Lentils

    The ingredient list looks big, but this is a simple and easy dish to cook. Lamb can be replaced with other meat, but I like to use Lamb for this dish, and I like to add plenty of Spices. You can use your favourite Spices and Herbs. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 500g lean Lamb *leg …

  • Other Soup Vegetables

    Creamy Corn Soup

    This is a very simple soup. Just Corn and Onion, and nothing else. You can use a can of Creamed Corn, fresh Corn OR frozen Corn Kernels. This soups is quite sweet and my children loved it when they were young. They would love it even more if there are some noodles in it. I …

  • Pizza & Flammkuchen Vegetables

    Pizza made with Pureed Pumpkin

    I have received a message from someone who was looking for an alternative Pizza sauce as she could no longer eat Tomato and Garlic. She tried my ‘Miso & Mushroom Pizza’ and it seems she enjoyed it though she was skeptical first. ‘Hoisin Sauce & Chicken Pizza’ is also really yummy. For ‘Teriyaki Chicken Pizza’, …

  • Egg Lamb

    Rice Cooker Lamb Spinach & Fetta Frittata

    This ‘Rice Cooker Frittata’ has been inspired by Greek ‘Lamb & Spinach Spanakopita’ which I LOVE. Basically I added the same ingredients to my Frittata mixture and cooked it in the rice cooker at ‘Cake’ setting. As always, the top side of the Frittata can’t be browned when cooked in the rice cooker, but it …

  • Other Soup Vegetables

    Pumpkin & Cauliflower Soup

    When I cook ‘Pumpkin Soup’, I usually cook Pumpkin with Onion and Potato. Today I cooked with Onion and Cauliflower, expecting less starchy & lighter texture. The texture of this soup was still thick and creamy, but I liked the flavour very much. I usually don’t add Garlic to Pumpkin Soup, but I added 1 …

  • Other Soup

    Carrot & Lentil Soup

    This humble soup is delicious, comforting, and of course very nutritious. It is a perfect soup to enjoy on a cold day like today. You can add your favourite Spices, but I added Cumin and Paprika. The soup is a little spicy as I added a pinch of Ground Chilli as well. I recommend to …

  • Chicken Other Soup Vegetables

    ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup

    My husband’s mother kept telling us Silverbeet (Swiss Chard) would fix not only Cold but everything. Thus, Silverbeet is an essential ingredient for my ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup, but my family members prefer Spinach. Another essential ingredient is fresh Ginger. The most important thing to remember when you cook this soup for a sick person is …

  • Vegetables

    Theo’s Green Tomato & Onion Preserve

    Theo is my husband’s grand father. Theo used to grow vegetables for a hobby and this is his recipe that was originally called ‘Green Tomato Pickles.’ However, it is not pickled Green Tomatoes. The recipe says the ingredients need to be boiled for 20 minutes. It is a kind of relish. You may wish to …

  • Cheese Egg

    Quiche Lorraine (Egg & Bacon Quiche)

    The famous ‘Quiche Lorraine’ (Egg & Bacon Quiche) can be made easily if you use store-bought Frozen Flan/Pie Base. I use 22cm Case that is the common size in Australia. And this recipe is for that size case. As a lot of salty Bacon and Cheese are used for the filling, DO NOT add too …

  • Egg Potato

    Rice Cooker Bacon & Potato Frittata

    You can use leftover Roasted Potatoes OR Chips to cook this Frittata. Today I boiled 2 Potatoes. I always add some Flour to the mixture, so that it cooks better in the rice cooker. If you are going to purchase a rice cooker, I recommend to invest a little more money and get one has …

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