
  • Pork Takikomigohan

    Pork ‘Okowa’ Glutinous Rice

    Every now and then I crave this type of Glutinous Rice dish, and eat it too much every time I cook it. It is my absolute favourite food. I usually cook it with Chicken, but today I used Pork. I definitely like slightly sweeter flavour for the Pork version and I added 1 teaspoon Sugar, …

  • Beans & Peas Lamb

    Stewed Lamb & Lentils

    The ingredient list looks big, but this is a simple and easy dish to cook. Lamb can be replaced with other meat, but I like to use Lamb for this dish, and I like to add plenty of Spices. You can use your favourite Spices and Herbs. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 500g lean Lamb *leg …

  • Spaghetti & Pasta

    Cold Angel Hair Pasta with Fiery Gochujang Sauce

    On a hot summer day, you don’t want to cook Pasta? Angel Hair Pasta (Capellini) can be cooked in 2-3 minutes. Cool the cooked pasta in cold water, and mix with the fiery sauce. Add plenty of refreshing salad vegetable and some protein, I added Roast Pork and Boiled Egg today. It’s spicy, sour, sweet …

  • Other Soup

    Carrot & Lentil Soup

    This humble soup is delicious, comforting, and of course very nutritious. It is a perfect soup to enjoy on a cold day like today. You can add your favourite Spices, but I added Cumin and Paprika. The soup is a little spicy as I added a pinch of Ground Chilli as well. I recommend to …

  • Chicken Other Soup Vegetables

    ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup

    My husband’s mother kept telling us Silverbeet (Swiss Chard) would fix not only Cold but everything. Thus, Silverbeet is an essential ingredient for my ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup, but my family members prefer Spinach. Another essential ingredient is fresh Ginger. The most important thing to remember when you cook this soup for a sick person is …

  • Mushrooms Vegetables

    Simmered Shiitake & Carrot

    When I cook ‘Simmered Shiitake’, I most likely add some vegetables such as Lotus Root, Bamboo Shoot OR Gobō, etc. Most them are hard to find where I live. The easiest option is Carrot. This is a typical Japanese dish, though you would never come across at Japanese restaurants. It is absolutely easy to cook. …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Apple Sauce & Carrot Muffins

    I have just recovered from a nasty flu. While I was in bed struggling to eat, my husband made an attempt to cook Stewed Apple for me, but it ended up a mushy paste-like sauce. Today I used it to make these Muffins based on my ‘Morning Glory Muffins’. If you have leftover Apple Sauce, …

  • Takikomigohan

    Carrot & Chikuwa Takikomigohan

    ‘Chikuwa’ is a Japanese tubular-shape fish cake. The other day I wanted to cook my favourite ‘Abura-age & Carrot Takikomigohan’, which I crave sometimes, but I didn’t have Abura-age (Fried Thin Tofu). I added Chikuwa instead, and it turned out really yummy. I added some Sesame Oil and I believe it was a good decision. …

  • Other Soup

    Pea & Ham Soup

    This is one of my favourite soups. I always use Smoked Ham Hock for this soup, but you may wish to use a different type of block of Ham. To reduce the cooking time, I cut the Ham Hock into some chunks. If it is too difficult for you, make some deep cuts into the …

  • Fish Vegetables

    Carrot & Tuna Sesame Salad

    This is a Korean ‘Namul’ inspired salad. It is absolutely easy to make, yet really yummy. As I always use a can of Tuna in Springwater, I add a reasonable amount of Salt, but you need to alter the amount of Salt. If you use Tuna in Oil, you may wish to use the Oil …

  • Vegetables

    Roasted Gochujang Carrots

    Today I wanted to cook Asian flavoured Roasted Carrots. I was going to use my ‘Char Siu’ sauce, but the sauce is very sweet and I was afraid it would be too sweet for Carrots. Then I decided to use Gochujang Sauce that I often use for Chicken and Tofu dishes, e.g. ‘Gochujang Tofu Rice …

  • Harusame & Rice Noodles Pork

    Stir-fried Harusame & Pork

    The other day, I cooked ‘Stir-fried Harusame with Prawns & Lettuce’ without rehydrating Dry Harusame Noodles, and it worked very well. So, I cooked this dish in the same method. It is basically stir-fried Pork Mince and Vegetables. After I seasoned the stir-fry, I added Sauce and Dry Harusame Noodles to the pan. It didn’t …

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