Archive for September 16th, 2023

  • Vegetables

    Sweet & Sour Wombok

    When I prepare a Japanese style dinner, I always serve a dish of pickled vegetable OR something refreshing and salty. This dish is a Chinese inspired pickled salad. I added a generous amount of Sesame Oil to it. Simple and delicious! Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 1/4 Wombok *about 450g1/2 teaspoon Salt *reduce the amount if …

  • Vegetables

    Parsley Pancake

    My Parsley in a plant pot has grown so well. Each leaf is very large and thick, and I have been trying to use the Parsley for cooking. Today I made this simple pancake. The batter is Tempura batter that I use for other vegetable pancakes. I am so glad that I tried. It was …