Archive for July 31st, 2024

  • Tofu & Soy Protein

    ‘Char Siu’ Baked Tofu

    The other day, I was thinking of what to cook for my vegan friends. Then an idea came to me. Marinate Fried Tofu with my ‘Char Siu’ Sauce, which I am very proud of, then bake it in the oven. ‘It would be super easy and delicious,’ I thought. Today I tried to cook it. …

  • Chicken Mushrooms Takikomigohan

    Dried Mushrooms & Chicken Takikomigohan

    One of my favourite ‘Takikomigohan’, a Japanese dish of Rice that is cooked with other ingredients and seasonings, is ‘Asian Mushroom Takikomigohan’ and I use a variety of Asian Mushrooms. As fresh Asian Mushrooms can be pricey, I often use Dried Assorted Mushrooms. Today I added Chicken as well and it was delicious. This type …