black currants

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Banana & Oats Slice

    When my children were young, I used to make ‘Muesli Bars’ regularly, but I haven’t make them for a long time. Today I wanted to use up 1 Banana that was almost blackened. I made this slice that is identical to the ‘No Sugar Muesli Bars’. This is a healthy and yummy snack. Makes 16 …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Mixed Dried Fruit Cupcakes

    Using the same ingredients of Christmas Cake, I made these cupcakes today. I just mixed Brandy-soaked Dried Fruit and some Almonds with ‘Basic Cupcake’ batter. Much quicker to bake and easier to share with people. The smell and the flavour of these cupcakes are so Christmassy! Makes 12 Cupcakes Ingredients 2 cups Mixed Dried Fruit*Note: …

  • Sweets

    Livingston’s Family Xmas Pudding

    Duncan Livingston is my husband’s beloved grandfather Theo’s father. Duncan was born in 1891. He was the third son of George Archibald Livingston and his wife Joann Livingston (nee McCalman). This Xmas Pudding recipe is Duncan’s mother Joann’s recipe. It’s been handed down from generation to generation, and Theo’s eldest daughter Joan, who is Joann’s …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Mixed Dried Fruit Scones

    I needed to use some leftover Mixed Dried Fruit, so I decided to add them to Scones. All my Scone recipes are based on Auntie Loran’s recipe that doesn’t require Egg. The amount of the leftover Mixed Dried Fruit was not enough, so I added extra Sultanas and Black Currants. I was afraid that I …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Mixed Fruit Slice

    Several months ago, I bought a packet of Mixed Dried Fruit. I needed to use it and decided to make Mixed Fruit Slice. To make this type of cake, you really don’t need a recipe, do you? I just mixed cake ingredients that I wished to use, then added Milk to make the right texture. …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Mixed Fruit Pound Cake

    I had a lot of leftover Dried Fruit in my pantry. I decided to make a Fruit Cake and looked for recipes. I found many recipes on the internet, but most recipes are for a very large cake. So, I used my Basic Pound Cake recipe, replaced Caster Sugar with Brown Sugar, and added Dried …

  • Fruit

    Dried Black Currant Jam

    I had a lot of Dried Black Currants that were getting old and I needed to use them. I looked for recipes and found Black Currant Jam was interesting. However, it is made with fresh Black Currants. I tried to use Dried Black Currants. With a small amount of Corn Starch, they turned into this …