
  • Cold Sweets

    Japanese Style Sundae

    There many variations of Japanese Style Sundae, but the key elements are Ice Cream, Tsubu-an (Sweet Azuki Paste), Matcha and Dango Dumplings. Today I used Vanilla Ice Cream, but Matcha Ice Cream would be nice. I have come across Sundaes with no Dango Dumplings, and I found it very disappointing. I encourage you to make …

  • Azuki (Red Beans)

    Sweet Azuki & Butter Toastie

    ‘An Pan’ is a Japanese bread roll filled with Sweet Azuki Paste. I believe it is one of Japanese soul foods. I often crave it, but it is not easy to find ‘An Pan’ where I live, and it takes a few hours to make it. This super easy Toastie is a great substitute. This …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Cold Sweets

    Azuki Panna Cotta

    I tried to make Azuki flavoured Panna Cotta. I mixed Panna Cotta mixture with Tsubu-an (Sweet Azuki Paste). It was supposed to be a creamy burgundy coloured jelly, but the mixture set in such a pretty gradation of colour because Azuki Paste is heavy, especially the unbroken beans are heavy. Unfortunately it is hard to …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Mochi & Dango Dumplings Sweets

    Walnut Mochi

    This treat of sweet Mochi mixed with Roasted Walnut is popular in Japan. It is often coated with ‘Kinako’ (Finely Ground Roasted Soy Beans). I love it very much, but I love ‘Tsubu-an’ (Sweet Azuki Paste) version, too. So, I made both today. This is not a traditional recipe, but it is certainly a quick …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Sweets

    Azuki Stuffed Tapioca Mochi

    This Japanese sweet is traditionally made with ‘Kuzuko’ (Kuzu Starch), which creates its unique soft & rubbery texture. However, real ‘Kuzuko’ is extremely difficult to find and it is expensive. Many ‘Kuzuko’ products are actually a blend of other starch. I have tried to recreate the texture of ‘Kuzuko’ using substitutes, and I concluded that …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Baked & Fried Sweets Matcha

    Azuki Stuffed Matcha Cupcakes

    By adding Matcha Powder to my ‘Basic Plain Cupcakes’ batter, you can make delicious Matcha flavoured cupcakes. Today I stuffed them with ‘Tsubu-an’ (Sweet Azuki Paste). Matcha and Azuki are a very popular combination. Butter and Azuki match very well, too. And Rum goes well with both Matcha and Azuki. Makes 12 Cupcakes Ingredients 12 …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Baked & Fried Sweets

    Azuki & Rum Pound Cake

    On the other day, I was making Pound Cake. I decided to add ‘Tsubu-an’ (Sweet Azuki Paste) as I often add extra ingredients to it. For a flavour, I decided to add Rum instead of Vanilla. Then an accident happened! Because of my shaky hands, a lot more Rum than I meant to add had …

  • Steamed & Microwaved Sweets

    Steamed Azuki Cake

    Steamed cakes are very popular in Japan. Many people still don’t have an oven in their kitchen, steaming is a popular method to make cakes. It’s energy-efficient, too. You won’t find ‘Sugar’ in this recipe. That’s because ‘Tsubu-an’ (Sweet Azuki Paste) and Condensed Milk contain a lot of Sugar. This cake is very sweet. Do …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Mochi & Dango Dumplings Sweets

    ‘Ohagi’ (Bota Mochi)

    This food is called ‘Ohagi’ in Japan. There is an almost identical food called ‘Bota Mochi’. During the equinoctial weeks in Spring and Autumn, this food is traditionally prepared. It is basically a ball of slightly pounded glutenous rice covered with Sweet Azuki Paste. Kinako (finely ground Roasted Soy Beans) mixed with Sugar is another …

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