
  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    ‘Rugelach’ Cream Cheese Pastry

    ‘Rugelach’ is a Jewish pastry and it attracted my attention when I was looking for a recipe that I can use leftover cream cheese. The article I found was about food in NY and I found ‘Rugelach’ is a new craze. I have never tasted authentic Jewish ‘Rugelach’ and I don’t know what I bake …

  • Nuts

    Spicy Almonds

    How can I translate a Japanese word ‘Otsumami’ into English? It is not ‘Appetiser’ or ‘Snack’. ‘Otsumami’ is something to nibble often with a drink, which is most likely an alcoholic drink. The other day I needed to make ‘Otsumami’ quickly for an unexpected occasion and this ‘Spicy Almonds’ was perfect. Ingredients 1 cup Roasted …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts Sweets

    Chestnut Manjū

    ‘Manjū’ is one of traditional Japanese sweets.  There are many different types of ‘Manjū’. Every region seems to have its own local specialty ‘Manjū’. My home town has its own popular ‘Manjū’ and I miss it.  It is quite a challenge to make Japanese sweets in Australia because the ingredients are hard to find. This …

  • Healthy

    No Sugar Muesli Bars

    My daughter is interested in healthy eating. I have learned a lot of healthy recipes from her. This is one of them. I found it not sweet enough at first, but now I think this is just right. No sugar, no butter, full of amazing nutrients! Makes 20 bars or more*I use 25 x 38cm …

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