
  • Baked & Fried Sweets Bread

    Almond Croissants

    Many Almond Croissant recipes can be found on the internet. Most recipes are identical. They use already baked Croissants, make Almond Cream first, cut Croissants in half, sandwich some Almond Cream, spread some Almond Cream on top and scatter Almond Flakes, then bake. Many people add Flour to Almond Cream, but I don’t want to …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts

    Almond Cream for Baking

    If you are looking for a recipe of Almond Cream to make Almond Tart, Almond Croissant OR other Almond desserts, here is my advice. Almond Cream can be made with a same weight of Butter, Sugar, Egg(s) and Almond Meal. That’s the recipe that I have been using for decades. It’s easy to remember. If …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Banana & Oats Slice

    When my children were young, I used to make ‘Muesli Bars’ regularly, but I haven’t make them for a long time. Today I wanted to use up 1 Banana that was almost blackened. I made this slice that is identical to the ‘No Sugar Muesli Bars’. This is a healthy and yummy snack. Makes 16 …

  • Cold Sweets

    Almond Milk Granita

    Granita is similar to Shaved Ice and it is easy to make. Freeze sweetened liquid such as Fruit Juice, Coffee, Syrup, etc. until icy, and break up into crystals using a fork. Today I froze Almond Milk. I used store bought Almond Milk, so it was easy to make, and very refreshing. Makes 2 Servings …

  • Beans & Peas Vegetables

    Sweet Potato, Lentil & Spinach Salad

    A dish that was cooked by a friend of mine, her name is Shelley, inspired me to cook this salad. Shelley used a variety of Root Vegetables and more ingredients including Pepitas and Pine Nuts. Today I tried to cook something similar using limited ingredients I had, and it was not bad at all. This …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Matcha

    Matcha Snowball Cookies

    These cookies melt in your mouth. I love the delicate powdery texture of these cookies. The cookie dough needs to be dry and just moist enough so that you can form it into balls. DO NOT add more Sugar to the dough because I think it will ruin the flavour. The cookies will get coated …

  • Cold Sweets

    Coffee Jelly Chocolate Parfait

    As we all know Coffee and Chocolate are a great combination. This is a delightful cold dessert that is easy to make, however, it takes time as you need to cool it in fridge. I like Coffee Jelly not very sweet, rather bitter and aromatic. When jellies are set, you need to decorate the parfait. …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Almond Meal & Lemon Cake (No Flour)

    I made this Lemon Cake for someone who is allergic to some flours. As I was not sure which flour was OK, it was best to use no flour at all. This is Almond Meal 100% cake. If the person was allergic to dairy, I could omit Butter. This is a very moist delicious cake. …

  • Sweets

    Livingston’s Family Xmas Pudding

    Duncan Livingston is my husband’s beloved grandfather Theo’s father. Duncan was born in 1891. He was the third son of George Archibald Livingston and his wife Joann Livingston (nee McCalman). This Xmas Pudding recipe is Duncan’s mother Joann’s recipe. It’s been handed down from generation to generation, and Theo’s eldest daughter Joan, who is Joann’s …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts

    Almond Tart

    This recipe is actually almost identical to my ‘Fruit Tart’. I simply increased the amount of Almond Cream to fill the tart case, and covered it with Almond Flakes. This is a very simple tart. If you use a smaller tart pan, I recommend my ‘Easiest Sweet Shortcrust Pastry’. Almond Cream can be made with …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts

    Almond Meal Sponge Cake

    This is a super simple Sponge Cake made with Almond Meal. It is gluten-free as no Wheat Flour is used, and also dairy-free. No technique is necessary, but you need to beat Eggs very well until thick and pale to make the cake fluffy. The Almond topping is optional. DO NOT add it if you …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Coconut & Almond Cake (Gluten-Free)

    When I first made this cake, it was to use up a can of Coconut Cream, which I bought by mistake. I often use Coconut Milk for cooking, but not Coconut Cream. Because of the high oil content of Coconut Cream, I didn’t add Butter to this cake. I didn’t add Flour either. I made …

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