Macadamia Nuts are native to Australia and this delicious slice is very popular. If it is difficult to find Macadamia Nuts where you live, you can use other Nuts such as Cashews, Walnuts OR Pecans, but the slice wouldn’t taste the same. Smaller OR broken Macadamia Nuts are less expensive and they are perfect for …
‘Tsubu-an’, sweet Azuki (Red Bean) paste, is very popular in many Asian countries. As it is sometimes called Azuki Bean Jam, it is made with a lot of Sugar. This ‘Dates & Azuki Paste’ is only sweetened with Dates. You can add some Sugar to make it sweeter, but you wouldn’t need a lot. This …
Today I made these cookies to use up leftover Dates and Walnuts, which had been sitting in my pantry for a long time. I used my Basic Cookie Dough, but I reduced the amount of Flour as I wanted to add a lot of Walnuts and Dates. The cookies were really delicious and very sweet …
My husband bough a pack of Dried Dates by mistake as he believed they were Prunes. Dates and Prunes are very different, though he didn’t know the difference. Anyway, I needed to use those Dried Dates. I chopped them up and added to Butter Cake. The brilliant idea of mine was adding Carrot as well. …
Dates and Walnuts are a great combination. Many people use these two ingredients to make cakes and cookies. I strongly believe Dates and Orange are another great combination. I added Zest of 1 Orange to these Scones, but you can add chopped Candied Orange Peels. Today I enjoy this Scone with Butter and Orange Marmalade …
My very first experience to taste ‘Dates’ was Sticky Date Pudding. It was after I moved to Australia. I liked the flavour of Sticky Date Pudding, but I thought it was overwhelmingly sweet. It is always good to make it at home, because I can alter the amount of Sugar. Today I made these Cupcakes …
The filling of Dates & Walnuts can be replaced with Chocolate, Crunchy Peanut Butter, etc. Making these cookies can be a fun family activity, though it might be too difficult for young children. Makes 24 Cookies Ingredients 125g Butter *softened1/2 cup Caster Sugar1 Egg1 tablespoon Instant Coffee Granules *mixed with 1/2 tablespoon Hot Water1 & …
I love the combination of Dates and Walnuts, that is excellent for cookies, cakes and anything. These slices don’t look sophisticated but they are absolutely delicious. You would need a cup of tea or coffee! Makes 25 Slices Cake Tin 20cm Square Tin*If you use a larger tin, make more Filling and Crumble. Filling 1 …
This is one of the cakes that I have been repeatedly baking for decades. It’s a humble looking cake and taste very simple. It is not very sweet but I don’t add icing. I enjoy a slice of this loaf with a nice cup of tea. Cake Tin Loaf Tin Ingredients 100 to 125g Butter1/2 …
I never knew the fruit called ‘Date’ until I moved to Australia. The fruit was not known in Japan. My very first experience to taste the fruit was Sara Lee’s ‘Frozen Sticky Date Pudding’. I liked the flavour but I thought it was overwhelmingly sweet.I have tried some recipes to make the pudding by myself, …
These ‘Muscovado Dates & Walnuts Cupcakes’ can be baked in the oven or even microwaved. But the result is best when steamed. When soft batter is steamed instead of baked, the cupcakes become very soft and tender. That’s why I often love to steam. It’s quicker, too. However, when I took this photo, I did …