choy sum

  • Prawn & Shrimp Vegetables

    Stir-fried Choy Sum & Dried Shrimps

    I use ‘Garlic, Soy Sauce and Mirin’ to season many dishes. It is my favourite flavour. Today I used those three to season this Stir-fried Choy Sum & Dried Shrimps. The amount of this dish that I cooked today was supposed to be 2 to 3 servings, but I confess I ate all of it. …

  • Chicken Zōsui (Rice Soup)

    Chicken & Choy Sum Rice Soup

    Choy Sum can be substituted with other Asian greens such as Bok Choy, and you can add extra ingredients such as Asian Mushrooms. Just cook Rice and ingredients in Chicken Stock, and you don’t need to stir-fry ingredients with oil. This healthy and satisfying rice soup is super easy to cook. Makes 2 Servings Ingredients …

  • Vegetables

    ‘Goma-ae’ Choy Sum

    An Asian vegetable called ‘Choy Sum’ is very similar to ‘Komatsuna’, a Japanese leafy vegetable. Today I made a ‘Goma-ae’ dish using Choy Sum. ‘Goma-ae’ can be made with a variety of vegetables. ‘Goma-ae’ Sauce can be made with Toasted Sesame Seeds, Sugar and Soy Sauce. Depending on the amount of Choy Sum that you …

  • Mushrooms Vegetables

    Stir-fried Choy Sum & Enoki

    There is a very popular leafy vegetable called ‘Komatsuna’ in Japan. It’s impossible to find it in Melbourne where I live. However, there is a substitute. An Asian vegetable called Choy Sum is very similar to ‘Komatsuna’. This is a very popular stir-fry dish of ‘Komatsuna’, but I used Choy Sum. Makes 3 to 4 …

  • Mazegohan Vegetables

    Choy Sum Rice

    There is a Japanese ‘Mazegohan’ dish called ‘Nappa Gohan’, which is also called ‘Nameshi’ (菜飯). It is a dish of Rice mixed with Green Leafy Vegetable, that can be Daikon Radish leaves OR Turnip leaves. ‘Komatsuna’ is also popularly used. The Green Leafy Vegetable is blanched OR stir-fried, seasoned, and mixed with freshly cooked Rice. …