
  • Miso Soup

    Grated Daikon Miso Soup

    This Miso Soup might look boring, but it is a very comforting soup. It is one of the traditional Japanese soups. It looks slightly thickened, doesn’t it? It actually is because of Daikon (White Radish) that is finely grated. To enjoy the delicate texture of the soup, I like to add soft Tofu to it. …

  • Vegetables

    Spicy ‘Takuan’ (Pickled Daikon)

    I bought ‘Takuan’ (Japanese Pickled Daikon), that was quite sweet. ‘Takuan’ can be used for cooking and I often add it to salads such as Coleslaw. Today I thinly sliced it and mixed with Chilli Paste. I even added some Ground Chilli as well. It was supposed to be very spicy but it was quite …

  • Tofu & Soy Protein

    Cold Tofu with ‘Nattō’, ‘Takuan’ & Kimchi

    When I am too tired to cook anything on a hot day, ‘Hiyayakko’ is a go-to dish. ‘Hiyayakko’, a Japanese dish of chilled Tofu, can be enjoyed with a variety of toppings. Today I added a mixture of ‘Nattō’ (Fermented Soy Beans), ‘Takuan’ (Japanese Pickled Daikon) and Kimchi. It is a filling and satisfying dish …

  • Mazegohan

    ‘Kimu-Taku’ Mackerel Mazegohan

    The combination of ‘Kimchi’ and ‘Takuan’ (Japanese Pickled Daikon) is very popular. ‘Kimu-Taku’ Rice is an example that you can cook with them. Today I made this ‘Mazegohan’ using a can of Mackerel. ‘Mazegohan’ is a Japanese dish of Rice. Rice and other ingredients are cooked separately and mixed together after they are cooked. However, …

  • Vegetables

    Overnight Pickled Vegetable Sticks

    I love Pickled Vegetables and I often snack them. However, store-bought Pickled Vegetables are often too sour and too salty for snacking. That’s why I make these Overnight Pickled Vegetable Sticks. I pack a small jar with Vegetable sticks, pour the pickle brine, and leave it in the fridge overnight. They are ready to enjoy …

  • Sushi

    Vegan Chirashi-zushi

    ‘Chirashi-zushi’ is a type of Sushi and it is a kind of decorated rice salad. A variety of ingredients are used to mix with Sushi Rice OR cover it in a decorative way. It is a very popular Sushi in Japan as it is relatively easy to prepare. A Vegan version can be easy. You …

  • Vegetables

    Daikon & Carrot ‘Namasu’ with Cranberries

    Daikon & Carrot ‘Namasu’ is a very simple Japanese salad, that is often prepared for New Year celebration because of the joyful red & white colours. I often crave it when I am physically tired. Normally I use Rice Vinegar to make this salad, but I used White Wine Vinegar today, and added Dried Cranberries. …

  • Udon

    Miso Udon Soup

    ‘Hōtō’ Noodle Miso Soup is one of my favourite Noodle dishes. It requires quite an effort for me to cook it as I always make ‘Hōtō’ Noodles from scratch. This dish is very similar to ‘Hōtō’ but much easier to prepare. This recipe is for 1 serving, but it is easy to increase. Just cook …

  • Miso Soup

    Dumpling Wrapper Miso Soup

    ‘Hōtō’ Noodle Miso Soup is my family’s favourite Noodle Miso Soup. It can be a perfect dinner on a cold winter day. I usually make the Noodles from scratch, but you can use ready-made Udon Noodles OR Pappardelle. If you have some leftover Dumpling Wrappers, that would be a perfect substitute. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients …

  • Hot Pot & Hot Plate


    ‘Oden’ is a Japanese hot pot dish of several ingredients simmered in the seasoned dashi stock. The essential ingredients are Fishcakes such as Chikuwa and Fish Balls. I always add Daikon, Potato, Boiled Eggs, Konnyaku (Konjac) and Beef Tendon skewers. Beef Tendon is hard to find where I live, I often use Ossobuco (Veal Shanks) …

  • Soba

    Vegan Soba Soup

    On this website, I have shared my recipe ‘Monk’s Vegan Soup’, that is called ‘Kenchin-jiru’ in Japan. ‘Kenchin-jiru’ is 100% plant-based soup that originated several centuries ago from a temple where Buddhist monks prepared the soup. ‘Kenchin-jiru’ is still very popular and Soba Noodles are often added to it. I am not Vegan but I …

  • Curry Pork

    Daikon & Pork Japanese Curry

    Daikon (White Radish) is a major vegetable to me. I cook it often, I use it for salad often, and I pickle it often. But, in the green grocery store where I shop, I have never seen anyone purchasing Daikon. Do you cook it? Here is a suggestion for you to try. As Japanese Curry …

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