
  • Spaghetti & Pasta

    Cold Angel Hair Pasta with Fiery Gochujang Sauce

    On a hot summer day, you don’t want to cook Pasta? Angel Hair Pasta (Capellini) can be cooked in 2-3 minutes. Cool the cooked pasta in cold water, and mix with the fiery sauce. Add plenty of refreshing salad vegetable and some protein, I added Roast Pork and Boiled Egg today. It’s spicy, sour, sweet …

  • Cheese Spaghetti & Pasta

    Leftover Pumpkin Soup Macaroni Cheese

    When I make Pumpkin Soup, I always end up having some leftover that no one wants to eat. Today I used it to make this Macaroni Cheese. I simply replaced a part of Milk with Pumpkin Soup. This Macaroni Cheese is very yellow and looks yummy, and it is yummy and nutritious. You can bake …

  • Egg Spaghetti & Pasta

    Curry Flavoured Pasta Salad

    ‘Japanese Macaroni Salad’ is one of my family’s favourite salads. I started using any short Pasta for the salad because I couldn’t find long Macaroni in Melbourne where I live. So I should call it ‘Japanese Pasta Salad’. This salad is basically the same salad, but I added Curry Powder. This curry flavoured version is …

  • Other Seafood Spaghetti & Pasta

    Creamy Oysters & Spinach Pasta

    Oysters that are available in Melbourne where I live are for eating raw, most of them are small, and VERY expensive. I don’t enjoy raw Oysters but I love cooked Oysters. If you have not-so-fresh Oysters and you need to cook them, this is a good recipe to try. If your Oysters are large ones, …

  • Mushrooms Spaghetti & Pasta

    Creamy Mushroom & Pasta Bake

    This is a delicious Pasta Bake, that can be served as a main dish OR a side dish. You may wish to add some Meat OR Chicken, but I like it just Mushrooms. Today I used common Cup Mushrooms, but you can use your favourite Mushrooms. I recommend to use a generous amount. Makes 4 …

  • Prawn & Shrimp Spaghetti & Pasta

    Creamy Prawns & Pasta Bake

    This dish is called ‘Ebi (Prawns) Macaroni Gratin’ in Japan, as Macaroni are commonly used. It is a very popular dish. However, in Melbourne where I live, Macaroni are very short and small, and I don’t like to use them for this dish. I use other Pasta such as Pennette, Trivelle, Gemelli, etc. You can …

  • Spaghetti & Pasta

    Lemon Pasta

    I have been craving sour food lately. Today I wanted to eat pasta for lunch, then I thought about a pasta dish that is sour. Then I cooked this Lemon Pasta. There are many recipes for different versions. I decided to use Butter and Garlic. I nearly added Soy Sauce to it, but I didn’t. …

  • Mushrooms Spaghetti & Pasta

    Ukrainian Dumplings with Bacon & Mushrooms

    I often cook similar dishes using Gnocchi. ‘Gnocchi & Mushrooms In Butter Soy Sauce’ is my favourite. However, Gnocchi is not so quick & easy to make as Boiled Potatoes are the main ingredient. These Ukrainian Dumplings have harder texture than Gnocchi as they are made without Potato, and Dumplings are much easier and quicker …

  • Spaghetti & Pasta Vegetables

    Pasta Salad with Sour Cream Dressing

    Macaroni Salad is the most popular salad in Japan and I have my own recipe. It’s a lovely salad and I have been making it repeatedly for decades. The same Macaroni Salad again and again, and I wanted to make something different today. This is my American inspired Pasta Salad, but still tastes Japanese as …

  • Fish Spaghetti & Pasta

    Tuna Mornay

    ‘Tuna Mornay’ is a very popular Tuna Casserole in Australia. It can be made with inexpensive staple ingredients. You can use any pasta of your choice, but it seems most people use Pennette, Large Spirals or any pasta in a similar size. Some people use Boiled Eggs instead of Pasta, and that would be yummy. …

  • Somen & Hiyamugi Spaghetti & Pasta

    Kimchi Capellini (Angel Hair Pasta)

    This is supposed to be a ‘Somen’ dish. ‘Somen’ is the thinnest Japanese noodles, but it is not easy for many of us to find. ‘Somen’ can be easily substituted with Capellini (Angel Hair Pasta). This is a Korean inspired dish. Well-fermented Kimchi is best suitable. Makes 1 Servings Ingredients 1 serving Capellini (Angel Hair …

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