
  • Other Soup

    Ginger & Turnip Soup

    I want to share my family’s ‘Ginger & Turnip Soup’ recipe. It is absolutely easy to make, and I guarantee it is a comforting and heart-warming soup. When you go grocery shopping next time, if you find a juicy Turnip, get one and try this soup. I enjoyed the meltingly soft Turnip in the thickened …

  • Other Soup

    Carrot & Lentil Soup

    This humble soup is delicious, comforting, and of course very nutritious. It is a perfect soup to enjoy on a cold day like today. You can add your favourite Spices, but I added Cumin and Paprika. The soup is a little spicy as I added a pinch of Ground Chilli as well. I recommend to …

  • Chicken Other Soup Vegetables

    ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup

    My husband’s mother kept telling us Silverbeet (Swiss Chard) would fix not only Cold but everything. Thus, Silverbeet is an essential ingredient for my ‘Get-Well-Soon’ Chicken Soup, but my family members prefer Spinach. Another essential ingredient is fresh Ginger. The most important thing to remember when you cook this soup for a sick person is …

  • Donburi (Rice Bowl) Pork Vegetables

    Ginger Pork & Eggplant Rice Bowl

    Pork and Eggplant is a great combination. This is the easiest Pork & Eggplant Rice Bowl recipe. I just covered the Rice with the popular Ginger Pork, but I cooked it with Eggplant. Using thinly sliced Pork and Eggplant, it won’t take long to cook. You need to prepare everything before you start cooking. Makes …

  • Fish Gyoza

    Canned Mackerel Gyoza

    Mackerel is my favourite fish. Anything made with Mackerel is delicious to me. Today I made these Gyoza to use up some leftover Gyoza Wrappers. I used 1 small can of Mackerel for the filling. As the canned Mackerel was already cooked, I only needed to cook Wrappers. If you have uncooked fresh Mackerel, that …

  • Pork Ramen

    Instant Ramen with Pork & Wonton Wrappers

    Currently I have a lot of Wonton Wrappers that my daughter gave me. I don’t want to waste them, so I have been trying to use them. The easiest way is adding them to soup, so I decided to add some Wrappers to Instant Ramen soup that was my lunch. I was very impressed with …

  • Mazegohan Pork

    Ginger Pork Mazegohan

    I had a pack of 350g thinly sliced Pork. I wanted to cook a dish for 4 servings. I could have stir-fried the Pork with vegetables, but I didn’t have suitable vegetables. I only had salad vegetables. Then, I decided to cook this ‘Mazegohan’. ‘Mazegohan’ is a Japanese dish of Rice. Rice and other ingredients …

  • Chicken

    Teriyaki Shiso (Perilla) Wrapped Chicken Patties

    My Shiso (Perilla) plants are growing well in a pot. They never die, don’t they? Every year, I can enjoy the fragrant Shiso. Here is another recipe that you can use Shiso, and this is quite popular in Japan. However, it is not popular in my house. My family members don’t enjoy Shiso. It smells …

  • Beef Donburi (Rice Bowl)

    Quick & Easy Beef Rice Bowl

    There are three commonly used ingredients to season Japanese dishes, and they are Sugar, Soy Sauce and Mirin. They are the essentials in my kitchen. This is a very simply stir-fried Beef & Onion seasoned with Sugar, Soy Sauce and Mirin. This is the flavour I grew up with and I always love. I added …

  • Vegetables

    Sweet & Sour Wombok

    When I prepare a Japanese style dinner, I always serve a dish of pickled vegetable OR something refreshing and salty. This dish is a Chinese inspired pickled salad. I added a generous amount of Sesame Oil to it. Simple and delicious! Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 1/4 Wombok *about 450g1/2 teaspoon Salt *reduce the amount if …

  • Vegetables

    Pickled Ginger ‘Gari’

    Pickled Ginger (Sushi Ginger) is called ‘Gari’ in Japan. New Ginger is preferred for pickling as it has a thin skin and it is easy to thinly slice as the flesh is juicy and tender. It is often coloured pink. The pink colour comes from the red tip of Ginger. If the piece of Ginger …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Gingerbread Pound Cake

    I have been trying to use up a jar of Molasses, that I bought to make Gingerbread many months ago. Today I made a Pound Cake using the ingredients that I use to make Gingerbread. To make ‘Basic Pound Cake’, I use 125g of each Butter, Sugar, Eggs and Flour. I altered the amount of …

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