
  • Bread Curry Dough Pork

    Kareeman (Steamed Curry Buns)

    ‘Kareeman’ is the Japanese name for the steamed buns filled with curry flavoured mince and vegetable mixture. It’s similar to ‘Nikuman’ (Steamed Pork Buns). For ‘Kareeman’, you can use any minced meat. Today I used Pork Mince. It can be vegetarian, too. Makes 8 Buns Ingredients Pastry1 cup (*250ml) Self-Raising Flour1/2 cup Bread Flour *You …

  • Curry Donburi (Rice Bowl) Pork

    Curry Flavoured Pork & Tomato Rice Bowl

    Hurrah!!! Our local supermarket stores started selling thinly sliced pork belly. Now I don’t have to slice a half-frozen block by my aching hand. Thank the Asian population growth! There are so many dishes that can be cooked really quickly using the Pork thin slices. Here is one for you to try. Makes 2 Servings …

  • Beans & Peas Beef Curry

    Curry Chilli Con Carne

    When I am too tired to think about dinner menu, I tend to cook some same easy dishes that I have been repeatedly cooking. ‘Chilli Con Carne’ is one of them. And Curry is another. This time, I combined those two dishes. I simply replaced the spices for Chilli Con Carne with Curry powder. It …

  • Cooking Rice

    Turmeric Rice

    I don’t know about the health benefit of Turmeric very well, but it is fun to cook striking yellow rice using Turmeric. I sometimes cook rice with Saffron when I want to serve yellow coloured rice with curry, but Saffron is quite expensive. Turmeric Rice is just good enough. I recommend not to season the …

  • Curry Donburi (Rice Bowl) Pork

    Pork Curry Don

    Have you ever tried Japanese ‘Curry Udon’? The authentic Curry Udon has Japanese soup flavour because the curry mixture is made with dashi-based udon soup. I made this ‘Pork Curry Don’ in the same way. Pork can be replaced with other protein, but I like Pork the best for this dish. Makes 2 Servings Ingredients …

  • Chicken Curry

    My Family’s Chicken Curry

    I am Japanese and I used to use Japanese curry roux to make curry because curry is supposed to be made with the roux. However, after 20 years in Australia, I gradually came to dislike the flavour of store-bought roux and started making this curry. Now I am writing down this recipe for my children …

  • Baked & Fried Rice

    Curry Fried Rice

    In Japan, most commonly Sausages are used for this fried rice dish, but I use any protein that I have in hand. This time I used a thick slice of Ham. Curry Powder that I use is a quite spicy one. You may wish to add more or less, but do not forget the Soy …

  • Curry Fish

    Thai Red Fish Curry

    Asian food is very popular in Australia. The most popular cuisine is probably Thai food. My family loves Thai curries, however I often find them too sweet. I cook this Red Fish Curry without Sugar. If you want it sweet, just add 1-2 tablespoons of Brown Sugar. You can use any type of fish of …

  • Curry Vegetables

    Spinach & Coriander Curry

    Using the same method of caramelising the onions quickly for ‘French Onion Soup’ and frozen Spinach, you can make this curry very easily. If you don’t enjoy Coriander, just add more Spinach or other green vegetables such as Kale. The green beans in the photo are Edamame (young soy beans) for the crunchy texture. You …

  • Curry Takikomigohan

    Curry Chicken Takikomigohan

    This is curry flavoured ‘Takikomigohan’ that is popular among children. However, my recipe is not for young children because it is quite spicy. I used to cook all ingredients together using rice cooker, but later I discovered the flavour is much better when Onion and Chicken are pre-cooked. You only need one frying pan to …

  • Donburi (Rice Bowl) Fish

    Curry Mackerel Don

    Because I usually cook for four people, preparing a meal just for me can be oddly challenging. A ‘Donburi (Rice Bowl)’ dish is always a good option. I stock canned mackerel in my pantry for always as mackerel is my great favourite (and fresh mackerel is rarely available where I live), and the small 120g …

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