
  • Other Seafood Takikomigohan

    Clam Takikomigohan

    ‘Takikomigohan’ is a Japanese dish of Rice that is cooked with other ingredients and seasonings. There are some very traditional ones and this is one of them. To cook a ‘Takikomigohan’, everything is supposed to be cooked together, but you won’t cook Clams with Rice together for this particular dish. You cook Calms in a …

  • Chicken Takikomigohan

    Gochujang Chicken Rice

    This is a Korean inspired ‘Takikomigohan’, that is a Japanese dish of Rice cooked with all other ingredients and seasonings. This ‘Gochujang Chicken Rice’ is absolutely easy to cook if you have a rice cooker. I can’t live without rice cooker. It makes everyday cooking so much easier. While Gochujang Chicken Rice is cooking, make …

  • Takikomigohan

    Pork Speck ‘Okowa’ Glutinous Rice

    ‘Okowa’ is a type of Glutinous Rice dish. My mother used to cook it by steaming, but I cook it using a rice cooker just like ‘Takikomigohan’. When you use Glutinous Rice, you need to reduce the amount of liquid. As my ‘Pork Speck Takikomigohan’ was so successful, I tried to cook Asian flavoured version …

  • Sushi

    Vegan Chirashi-zushi

    ‘Chirashi-zushi’ is a type of Sushi and it is a kind of decorated rice salad. A variety of ingredients are used to mix with Sushi Rice OR cover it in a decorative way. It is a very popular Sushi in Japan as it is relatively easy to prepare. A Vegan version can be easy. You …

  • Onigiri (Rice Balls) Sushi

    Sushi ‘Onigiri’ Rice Balls

    You like Sushi Rolls? Using exactly the same ingredients, you can make ‘Onigiri’ Rice Balls. Mix the filling ingredients with Sushi Rice, form into ‘Onigiri’, and wrap with Nori in your preferred way. Perfect for lunch or snack, much easier to make, and tastes the same. You don’t know how to make triangular balls? Then …

  • Beef Pork Vegetables

    ‘Golubtsi’ Stuffed Capsicums

    Several years ago, I received a message form a person, whose name was Asa, about Cabbage Rolls. She wrote that Cabbage Rolls are known as ‘Golubtsi’ in Eastern European region where her family is from, and she introduced me a ‘lazy’ form of ‘Golubtsi’. She kindly gave me her recipe and I have shared it …

  • Takikomigohan Tofu & Soy Protein

    Yuba (Tofu Skin) & Carrot Takikomigohan

    The other day, when I wanted to eat ‘Abura-age & Carrot Takikomigohan’, that is one of my favourite ‘Takikomigohan’ dishes, but I didn’t have ‘Abura-age’ (Fried Thin Tofu), I decided to use ‘Yuba’ (Tofu Skin) instead. ‘Yuba’ is very different from ‘Abura-age’, but both are made from Soy Beans. So, I tried to cook it …

  • Pork Takikomigohan

    Pork Speck Takikomigohan

    ‘Takikomigohan’ is a Japanese dish of Rice that is cooked with other ingredients and seasonings. It can be in any flavours. Today’s main ingredient is Pork Speck that I usually use for soups. To get the maximum flavours from the Speck, place it in the pot first, underneath the Rice, so that Speck will get …

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