Auntie Joan gives us a jar of her Orange Marmalade every year. We don’t eat Orange Marmalade, but I am very happy to receive it because her Orange Marmalade makes lovely cakes. ‘Orange Marmalade & Whisky Pound Cake’ is my favourite, but today I tried to make a rice cooker cake. It turned out a soft and fluffy moist cake with the slightly bitter taste of Joan’s Marmalade.


I used my 10 cup capacity rice cooker which inner pot is 20cm in diameter


60g melted Butter
1/3 cup Caster Sugar *OR 1/2 cup for sweeter cake
1/4 teaspoon Salt
2 Eggs
Zest of 1 Orange *finely grated
1 & 1/2 cups Self-Raising Flour
1/2 cup Orange Juice
*Note: If you don’t have enough juice from 1 Orange, you can add some Water (OR Whisky).
1/2 cup Orange Marmalade
Icing Sugar for dusting *optional

  1. Line the base of rice cooker’s inner pot with baking paper. *Note: If your inner pot is in a good condition, baking paper would be unnecessary.
  2. Whisk all ingredients except Orange Marmalade in a mixing bowl until smooth. Add Orange Marmalade and use a spatula to roughly combine.
  3. Pour the mixture into the prepared rice cooker’s inner pot, flat the surface evenly, and start cooking at ‘Cake’ setting.
  4. When it is cooked, turn out on a plate, and carefully peel away baking paper. You may wish to cool it on a wire rack. Dust with Icing Sugar before serve.
  5. *Note: I used my 10 cup capacity rice cooker which inner pot is 20cm in diameter. It took 40 minutes to cook.