If you have Christmas Candy Canes, use a few of them to make this popular treat. It is super easy to make. Break the Candy Canes into small pieces and scatter them over melted Chocolate. I used Dark Chocolate and White Chocolate. It can be a great Christmas gift.


34cm x 20cm Brownie Pan *OR similar size tray


1 bag (290g) Dark Chocolate Melting Buttons *OR Block(s)
1 bag (290g) White Chocolate Melting Buttons *OR Block(s)
1/2 to 1 teaspoon Peppermint Extract *optional
2 to 3 Christmas Candy Canes (Peppermint Flavour)

  1. Line the base and sides of Brownie Pan (OR similar size tray) with baking paper.
  2. Place Candy Canes in a tough plastic bag, and gently bash with a mallet OR something hard to break into small pieces. *DO NOT break them too fine. The Candy Cane pieces should give crunchy texture.
  3. Melt Dark Chocolate first. If you use a block, break into small pieces, place in a heat-proof bowl. Boil water in a saucepan, lower the heat to simmer, place the bowl over the simmering water, and leave for several minutes, stirring occasionally, until completely melt. Add Peppermint Extract and mix well.
  4. Spread the melted Dark Chocolate in the prepared pan evenly, and place in the fridge until hardens. *Note: The Chocolate should be about 3mm thick.
  5. Clean the bowl, and melt White Chocolate in the same way. (*Note: I didn’t add Peppermint Extract to White Chocolate.) Spread the melted White Chocolate over the hardened Dark Chocolate evenly.
  6. Scatter the Candy Cane pieces evenly over the still soft White Chocolate. Leave it in the fridge until completely hardens.
  7. Break the hardened Peppermint Chocolate Bark into the size that is easy to eat. *Note: You may wish to cut it into squares. Once it is completely hardened, it would be too difficult to cut. I recommend to break it.