If you are thinking to cook Nattō Fried Rice, try this Mazegohan instead. I much prefer Nattō Mazegohan to Fried Rice. To make this Mazegoan, you just mix the ingredients with cooked rice, just like rice salad. The dish tastes great, nutritiously excellent, and healthy. And easy to make!!!
1 Serving
Crunchy Vegetables of your choice *e.g. Cucumber, Cos Lettuce, Edamame, etc. Today I used 5cm Cucumber and 2 leaves Cos Lettuce
1 pinch Salt
1/2 to 1 teaspoon Toban Djan (Chilli Bean Sauce)
1 container Natto *with sauce and mustard
1/2 Spring Onion *finely chopped
1 serving Cooked Rice *not hot
1 sheet Sushi Nori *torn to small pieces
- Cut Cucumber and Lettuce into small pieces or thin slices, place in a bowl, add Salt and Toban Djan (Chilli Bean Sauce), and mix well.
- Mix Natto with the sauce and mustard that are most likely included in the container, add to the vegetables. Add finely chopped Spring Onion and mix well.
- Add cooked Rice, that is not very hot, and Nori, then mix to combine.
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