I came across a blue cheese for the first time in Australia. It had a very strong smell like rotten food. And it contained blue mould. The taste was far too strong for me and I hated it! And now? It is one of my favourite cheeses. Since I discovered a soft gooey type of blue cheese, I have been a bit obsessed with it. The soft type and the hard type, both are good for this salad.
2 Servings
Celery 2 to 3 stalks with leaves
*Note: Paler coloured inner stalks are the best!
Toasted Walnuts 1/4 cup
Blue Cheese 30 to 40g
White Wine Vinegar 1 tablespoon
Olive Oil 1 tablespoon
Sugar 1/4 teaspoon
Salt & Pepper
- Place Blue Cheese, Vinegar, Sugar, Olive Oil in a large bowl, and mix to combined. Season with Salt and Pepper. To enjoy the flavour of blue cheese, simple seasoning is the best.
- Pick the celery leaves, thinly slice the stalks diagonally, add them to the dressing and toss to coat. Add Walnuts and combine. Serve immediately.
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