This is the dessert that my children used to make by themselves when they were young. While we were living in Japan for a short period of time, my children fell in love with Japanese style parfait, made by layering jelly, whipped cream, ice cream, and fruit, usually served in a tall glass. After we moved back to Melbourne, Australia, they started making their own parfait, which could be a treat for their friends who came to visit. Grown-ups can help children to prepare ingredients, and let them construct their own parfait as they are very creative.
4 Servings
1 box Instant Jelly Granules *Today I used Strawberry flavoured jelly.
Fresh OR Canned Fruit
1/2 cup Thickened Cream *whipped with 1 tablespoon Caster Sugar
A few slices Sponge Cake *OR some Cookies, ‘Savoiardi’, etc.
Ice Cream
Extra Topping *e.g. ‘Pocky’ Sticks, Wafer Sticks, Nuts, etc.
Soft Custard
1 cup Milk
2 Egg Yolks
2 to 3 tablespoons Sugar
1 tablespoon Plain Flour
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- Make jelly according to the instruction. Place into serving glasses, add some fruit, and allow to set in the fridge. *Note: You may not need all jelly depending on the size of the glasses.
- To make Soft Custard, place all ingredients in a heat-proof bowl and whisk well. Cook in the microwave at medium power about 500W for 2 minutes. Mix well, then cook again at medium power for 2 minutes and mix well, and cook again for 1 minute and mix well.
- *Note: Naturally you can cook custard in a saucepan. Combine Egg Yolks, Sugar and Flour in a saucepan. Then add warmed Milk and mix well. Cook over a medium to low heat, stirring constantly until custard comes to the boil and thickens.
- Allow the soft custard to cool, then chill in the fridge.
- When the jelly is set, and soft custard is chilled, construct your own parfait.
- *Note: Today I layered custard and sponge cake pieces on top of jelly, covered with whipped cream, topped with vanilla ice cream and fruit, then I added children’s favourite ‘Pocky’ sticks.

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