This is a very traditional Japanese dish, but I just can’t cook this dish, using the Dried Soy Beans that are available where I live, in the same method that I used to cook in Japan, because the Soy Beans’ skins come off massively and create a problem. If you are experiencing the same issue, you might be interested in this method. This dish is often seasoned with a large amount of Sugar, which I DO NOT like. I add only 2 tablespoons. You should alter the amount of Sugar to suit your taste.


4 to 6 Servings


1 cup Dried Soy Beans
Cold Water *4 cups to soak and 3 cups to cook
1 teaspoon Salt
20g Dried Kombu (Kelp)
2 tablespoons Sugar *add more for sweeter flavour
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce
1 to 2 tablespoons Mirin

  1. Rinse Dried Soy Beans under cold water, place in a large saucepan OR pot, cover with 4 cups Cold Water, add Salt and gently stir. Soak overnight. *Note: I add Salt to prevent skins from coming off.
  2. Add extra water if required before you start cooking. Bring to the simmer over medium heat. Remove scums and skins (if any) on the surface.
  3. Lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes OR until desired softness is achieved. *Note: Some skins would come off. Use a skimmer OR chopsticks to remove them.
  4. Drain the Soy Beans to remove the salted water, return to the saucepan, and add 3 cups Water, Sugar and Soy Sauce. Bring to the simmer.
  5. Clean Kombu (Kelp), add to the saucepan, then remove Kombu as soon as it is soft enough to cut, transfer to a cutting board, cut into bite-size squares, and return the saucepan. *Note: Kombu can be softened in water in a separate bowl.
  6. Cover with a piece of baking paper OR foil directly touching the surface, and simmer for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove the baking paper, add Mirin, and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. *Note: If more sweetness is required, add extra Sugar.
  8. *Note: Cooking time depends on the size of Soy Beans and the desired softness. I like slightly crunchy texture like Edamame. If you like softer texture, you need to cook longer. In that case, you must add Kombu at the right timing and you might need to add extra water.
  9. *Note: The photo below is the same dish made with Shredded Kombu. Shredded Kombu should be softened in water in a separate bowl before adding to Soy Beans.