Melbourne is a multicultural city and I have come across so many interesting foods. Until I started living in Melbourne, I never knew there are so many different types of bread including many varieties of flatbreads. I often bake bread at home, but nothing is easier than this ‘Super Easy Flatbread’.
The ingredients are Plain Flour, Milk (or Water), Salt and Oil (or Butter). No yeast and no leavening process required. If you have never made flatbreads before, you should try my recipe. It’s really easy, and you know exactly what is in it.


8 flatbreads


2 cups Plain Flour
1/2 teaspoon Salt
3 tablespoons Olive Oil OR 50g Butter (melted)
3/4 cup Milk OR Water *warmed
Oil for cooking

  1. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix to form a dough. Turn out onto a floured surface, or in the bowl if you prefer, knead until smooth and elastic.
  2. Divide into 8 balls. Using a rolling pin, roll out each ball to 2-3mm thick round.
  3. Heat a frying pan over high heat, then reduce to low heat. Oil the frying pan and cook flatbread for 2 minutes each side or until lightly browned and puffed.