Strawberry Bavarois is a creamy jelly desert. This is my super-easy method. If you wish to mould it, you might need extra gelatine. This is a soft jelly, so let it set in glasses. See my healthy ‘Strawberry & Yoghurt Jelly’ recipe as well.


4 to 6 Servings


6 sheets (10g) Gelatine Leaves *OR 3 teaspoons Gelatine Powder
1 cup Milk
1/3 cup Sugar *1/2 cup for sweeter flavour
1 punnet (250 to 300g) Strawberries (Fresh or Frozen)
1 cup Thickened Cream *softly whipped
Extra Strawberries for topping
Strawberry Sauce *optional

  1. Soak Gelatine Leaves in cold water for 5 to 10 minutes. *Note: If you use Gelatine Powder, sprinkle over 3 tablespoons of Water in a small bowl. Allow to soak for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Heat Milk and Sugar in a saucepan over a gentle heat, but DO NOT boil. Squeeze Gelatine Leaves slightly to remove excess water, then add to Milk. When Gelatine dissolved completely, remove from heat.
  3. Wash and hull Strawberries. Using food processor or blender, process Strawberries into smooth puree.
  4. Add Strawberry puree to Milk mixture, and whisk well. Cool in fridge until the mixture starts thickening.
  5. When the mixture has started thickening, add softly whipped Cream, and mix well. Pour the mixture into serving glasses. Place them in the fridge and leave to set.
  6. Serve with topping of fresh Strawberries and Strawberry Sauce.