When I was a child, my family’s breakfast was Bread and Hot Drink. Some mornings, when my mother realised we didn’t have enough Bread, she often made steamed Bread. If she’d had a rice cooker that cooks Cake, she would have used it. This Carrot Bread was cooked in the rice cooker. The top side cannot be browned, but it looks fine upside-down. Naturally this batter can be baked in the oven OR cooked in a frying pan.


I used my 10 cup capacity rice cooker which inner pot is 20cm in diameter.


1 & 1/2 cups Self-Raising Flour
2 tablespoons Caster Sugar *add more for sweeter bread
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 Carrot *about 100g, finely grated

1/2 cup Milk
2 Eggs
30g melted Butter OR Oil
Sultanas OR Raisins *optional

  1. Line the base of rice cooker’s inner pot with baking paper. *Note: If your inner pot is in a good state, baking paper would be unnecessary.
  2. Place Self-Rising Flour, Sugar and Salt into a large bowl and mix well. *Note: If you use Plain Flour, you need to add 1 teaspoon Baking Powder and mix well.
  3. Add finely grated Carrot, Milk and Eggs, and whisk until smooth. Add melted Butter and mix well. Add Sultanas (OR Raisins) if you want to add some, and combine.
  4. Pour the mixture into the prepared rice cooker’s inner pot, spread evenly, and press ‘Start’ button at ‘Cake’ setting. When it is cooked, turn out on a plate and carefully peel away baking paper, and enjoy. OR you may wish to cool it on a wire rack.
  5. *Note: Compare the top side and bottom side. The top side cannot be browned and it looks steamed. It took 40 minutes for my rice cooker to cook it.