Pizza & Flammkuchen

  • Chicken Pizza & Flammkuchen

    Teriyaki Chicken Pizza

    Italian Pizza was introduced into many countries and unique localised Pizzas have developed. This ‘Teriyaki Chicken Pizza’ is actually quite popular in Japan. Many pizza shops sell it. Mozzarella is really versatile and it goes quite well with Teriyaki Sauce. Makes 1 Pizza Ingredients 1 Pizza Base *I used 28cm base2 to 3 tablespoons Japanese …

  • Dough Pizza & Flammkuchen

    Anchovy Flammkuchen

    ‘German people would never make this,’ my daughter said to me when I was making this. The fishy and salty Anchovy on Flammkuchen? Why not? I love Anchovy on Pizza, so I added it to the German version of Pizza. This is absolutely delicious! Makes 2 to 4 Servings Ingredients Base1 heaped cup Plain Flour …

  • Dough Pizza & Flammkuchen


    Flammkuchen (OR Flammekueche) is not well known. You even don’t know how to pronounce it, do you? Some people call it ‘German Pizza’. I heard that there are some regional variations, but most commonly Sour Cream is used. It’s surprisingly easy to make and I am loving it! Makes 2 to 4 Servings Ingredients Base1 …

  • Dough Pizza & Flammkuchen

    Super Quick Pizza Base

    When you crave Pizza, why don’t you make one yourself? This base can be ready in 5 minutes. Cover with whatever you like OR you have in hand, and bake it in a hot oven. You don’t have an oven? Then cook it in a frying pan covered with a lid. You will be enjoying …

  • Dough Pizza & Flammkuchen

    Sachi’s Pizza Dough

    I am a cooking enthusiast, but I am not very keen on making pizza from scratch. It is always my daughter Sachi who is willing to work without sparing herself to let us enjoy homemade pizza! I just keep her dough recipe on this website for my own reference. Makes 2 to 3 Large Pizza …

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