
  • Chicken Soba

    Soba Noodle Soup With Chicken & Asian Mushrooms

    It is a custom for Japanese to have Soba Noodle Soup on the last day of the year, as the noodles are long and they symbolise ‘longevity’. I have kept this tradition with my family in Australia, however it is sometimes difficult to enjoy hot noodle soup because the weather here can be extremely hot. …

  • Soba Vegetables

    Soba Salad with Sesame Flavoured Sauce

    Japanese people, when they are travelling overseas, often crave ‘Zaru Soba’, Soba noodles with dipping sauce, with some reasons. How about Japanese people living overseas? Of course we do!!! Dry ‘Soba’ noodles are commonly available in Australia, and ‘Zaru Soba’ can be a perfect lunch on a hot summer day. However, just noodles can’t be …

  • Soba Vegetables

    Green ‘Cha-Soba’ Noodle Salad

    These green-coloured noodles are called ‘Cha-Soba’. They are green because ground green tea leaves are mixed with buckwheat and wheat flour. But you can hardly taste the green tea. This extremely healthy-looking salad should be all green, and that means you can add anything green. The dressing is not quite green but green Wasabi paste …

  • Soba

    Zaru Soba

    With some reasons, many Japanese people often have craving for Soba. I do sometimes have craving for ‘Zaru Soba’, especially on a hot day or when I am tired after a long trip. This dish might be one of our soul foods. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 4 servings Soba NoodlesMentsuyuYakumi (Condiments) Method Cook Soba Noodles …

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