This high-calorie Toastie is full of fat, not so great for your health, but so comforting and delicious. It’s a sometime food for me and I love it. You would love it, too.
1 Serving
1 tablespoon Garlic Butter
2 large slices of Bread
50 to 60g Cheese of your choice *e.g. Today I used a mix of Cheddar and Mozzarella
Ground Pepper OR Chilli *optional
- Make Garlic Butter. Combine softened Butter, Garlic, Dry Mix Herbs and Parsley. Find the recipe here.
- Heat a frying pan over low heat. *Note: Non-stick pan is preferred. If your pan is not Non-stick, cover it with a sheet of baking paper.
- Spread the Garlic Butter on the slices of Bread. Place one slice, butter-side down, in the pan, and cover generously with sliced or coarsely grated Cheese(s). Add some Pepper or Chilli if you like, then sandwich with the other Bread slice, butter-side up.
- Cook for 2-3 minutes, gently pressing down. When the bottom is nicely browned, carefully turn over and cook for 2-3 more minutes or until the other side is also nicely browned.
- Transfer to a serving plate, cut in half, and enjoy hot.
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