After my ‘Pumpkin Panna Cotta’ and ‘Pumpkin Creme Brûlée’ were so successful, I wanted to try another similar dessert, that is Bavarois. Bavarois is set with Gelatine like Panna Cotta, and the ingredients are almost identical with Creme Brûlée. I added 1 cup of pureed Cooked Pumpkin. This Bavarois tastes wonderful, looks pretty, and it is nutritious. You may wish to decorate it with Whipped Cream.
6 to 8 Servings
3 teaspoons Gelatine Powder *2 teaspoons if you set it in serving glasses
3 tablespoons Water *OR 2 tablespoons if you use 2 teaspoons Gelatine
2 Egg Yolks
6 tablespoons Caster Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 cup Milk
1 tablespoon Rum *optional
1 cup pureed Cooked Pumpkin *smoothly pureed
200ml Thickened Cream *softly whipped
- Sprinkle Gelatine Powder into Water in a small bowl and soak.
- Place Egg Yolks, Sugar and Vanilla in a large heatproof bowl, and whisk until thick and pale.
- Heat Milk in a saucepan over medium heat and bring just to the boil. Remove from heat. Add the soaked Gelatine to the heated Milk and mix well until Gelatine dissolves completely.
- Gradually add the hot Milk mixture into the Egg Yolk mixture, and whisk well. Return the mixture to the saucepan.
- Heat the mixture over medium low heat, whisking constantly, until slightly thickened. DO NOT boil it. Remove from heat. *Note: This process is optional. As Egg Yolks can be cooked by the hot Milk mixture, you don’t need to heat it if you prefer.
- Add pureed Cooked Pumpkin and Rum, and mix well. Strain the mixture into a bowl to remove Pumpkin’s fibre for extra smooth texture. Cool the mixture in the fridge for a while.
- When the mixture is cool and has started thickening, add softly whipped Cream and mix to combine. Pour the mixture into serving glasses or jelly moulds. Today I used a lightly oiled 1L capacity cake tin. Place in the fridge and leave to set completely.
- *Note: If you set the Bavarois in an oiled cake tin and it doesn’t come out easily, warming the tin only very slightly will help.
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