By mixing 4 ingredients, you can make this delicious Matcha & White Chocolate Mousse. It’s so easy and anyone can make. Instead of setting the mousse in serving glasses, I made it into a cake this time. The base can be a slice of any cake of your choice or sweet biscuit base like a …
There is a dessert called ‘Annin Tofu’ that is a soft jelly made of Apricot Kernel Milk, Agar and Sugar. It is impossible to find Apricot Kernel Milk where I live, but it tastes similar to Almond Milk. You know that Almond Milk is very popular these days and it is available from any supermarkets. …
Here is a warning to all Matcha lovers. This ‘Matcha Jelly’ is quite addictive and your matcha consumption might increase significantly. That’s happened to me. The jelly is sweetened but I really recommend to enjoy it with White Chocolate Sauce, which is easy to make (*see below for the recipe), OR Condensed Milk or Vanilla …
To make this dessert, I bought a Tupperware jelly mould and it was before my first child was born. So, this recipe is older than my son. The amount of Sugar is up to your preference, but it shouldn’t be too sweet. Fruit can be any fruit that can go well with cream cheese flavour. …
‘Panna cotta’ is an Italian dessert of sweetened Cream set with Gelatin, and it is usually moulded. Cream only Panna Cotta is too rich and heavy for me. That’s why I always mix Milk and Cream. You can make ‘Milk Jelly’ by using Milk only. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 500ml (2 cups) of Milk & Cream …
Many months ago, I decided that I would make ‘Black Forest Trifle’ next time I have some leftover chocolate cake. However, no such ‘next time’ ever occurred. But I didn’t want to bake chocolate cake just to make this dessert. ‘Isn’t there any easy way?’ I wondered.I was looking for ready-made chocolate sponge or a …
This is a very versatile soft cream that can be used for many dessert, particularly perfect for the Trifle. Its softness can be altered by adding less milk or less whipped cream for firmer texture. If you want it sweeter, add more sugar. This recipe uses a half of my ‘Basic Custard’, but you can …
September 2018 in Australia, there was a report that a sawing needle had been found in a strawberry in Queensland. After the incident, more and more needles have been found in strawberries all over Australia, and some farmers were forced to dump their harvest as they couldn’t sell them. Strawberries totally disappeared from supermarkets for …
When I want to use up leftover Egg Yolks, I often make custard desserts. This is one of them. This Basic Bavarois is best to serve with fresh berries or berry sauce. I always stock bags of Mixed Berries in my freezer. They are extremely handy. The berry sauce can be made by just heating …
I recently discovered a product called Queen’s ‘Jel-it-in Vegetarian Gelling Powder’ at a Woolworths store. It’s an Agar-base gelling powder and it is easy to use. Sometimes I prefer to use Agar or Kanten rather than Gelatine. For this orange juice jelly, definitely Agar is the best option. And Queen’s ‘Jel-it-in’ dissolves very well. I …
Gelatine, Kanten and Agar Agar are the most common gelling agents used for setting liquid to make gelatinous dessert. Gelatine is made from pork skins, cattle bones or hides. Kanten (Japanese) and Agar Agar (Malay) are made from sea plants. Kanten and Agar Agar are almost same, but some Agar products contain a substance made …
Kanten is similar to Agar Agar, and both are made from Sea Plants. The advantage of using Kanten and Agar Agar as gelling agent is that it can set liquid with the fruit such as fresh Pineapple, Kiwi Fruit or Mango. Those fruits break down the protein found in gelatine and prevent the jelly from …