Baked & Fried Sweets

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Sweets

    My Legendary Banana Cake

    There are so many different Banana Cake recipes. I had tried four or five different recipes until I tried a Japanese one. I normally don’t like Japanese cake recipes because they always require weighing ingredients. I like measuring by cups. Anyway I tried the recipe with very well ripe bananas which were nearly black. The …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Cinnamon Crumble Apple Cupcakes

    One day I simply placed the leftover Cinnamon Crumble mixture on top of some cupcakes and baked them. It worked perfectly. Then next time, I added Apple and Sultanas to the cupcake mixture. Here is my new recipe of Cinnamon Crumble Apple Cupcakes to share with you. Makes 12 Large Cupcakes Ingredients 125g Butter *softened1/2 …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts

    Almond Bread

    This is a popular basic Almond Bread recipe. My friend Shelley makes better Almond Bread. She adds extra ingredients such as Cardamom, Glazed Cherries and other mystery ingredients. Shelley wouldn’t share her secret recipe and I have to stick to this one. Well… I am actually happy with this recipe. Makes 20 Pieces *Depends on …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Orange Cranberry Muffins

    When I bought a bag of orange-flavoured dried cranberries by mistake, this recipe was made. These muffins have excellent orange fragrance. The key ingredient is the Macadamia. The crunchy texture of Macadamia can’t be replaced by anything else, but you can use other nuts that you like. Makes 12 Muffins Ingredients 2 cups Self-Raising Flour1/2 …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Basic Sponge Cake

    This is my hard-to-fail Sponge Cake recipe that I have been using for decades. Sometimes I don’t separate Egg Yolks and Whites and whisk whole Eggs with Sugar all together. It works if the Eggs are NOT COLD, but I recommend to separate them and whisk Egg Whites first. It is quicker and easier than …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Nuts

    Almond Snowballs

    I wanted to make ‘Kinako Biscuits’ today but I didn’t have enough ‘Kinako’ which is the finely ground roasted Soybean. I used roasted Almonds instead. Using the food chopper, I ground the Almonds. I added some coarsely chopped Almonds as well. I rolled the baked biscuits in icing sugar to coat them. The result was …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Cold Sweets

    Creme Caramel

    This dessert was something I used to buy from shops. I never thought I could make this dessert until I tried. Many cooks and chefs on TV shows were saying it was easy to make. Then I tried one day and found it was indeed very easy. And you know, when we make it at …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    ‘Rugelach’ Cream Cheese Pastry

    ‘Rugelach’ is a Jewish pastry and it attracted my attention when I was looking for a recipe that I can use leftover cream cheese. The article I found was about food in NY and I found ‘Rugelach’ is a new craze. I have never tasted authentic Jewish ‘Rugelach’ and I don’t know what I bake …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Sweets

    Chocolate Ganache

    Chocolate Ganache is made by heating Cream and Chocolate. Most commonly, you warm the Cream first, pour it over the chopped Chocolate, then mix well. Heating Cream and Chocolate can be done quickly and easily using the microwave. You can add whipped Cream to it. 1. Basic Chocolate Ganache Ingredients 200g Dark Chocolate100-200ml Cream *100ml …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Super Easy Chocolate Cake

    Many years ago, someone gave me this Chocolate Cake recipe, so this is not my invention. I have tried some other different recipes but I have never come across any recipes easier than this one. Nigella Lawson said every home cook should know at least one Chocolate Cake recipe. Well… this is the one I …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    My Mother’s Stick Doughnuts

    My mother’s doughnuts were not round. They were sticks and my sisters and I loved them. And our children, her grandchildren, loved them, too. Her neighbours also loved them. That’s why she used to make a lot of them when she decided to make them. There was no recipe. She just mixed Flour, Sugar and …

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