
  • Cold Sweets Fruit

    Pear & Snow Fungus in Syrup

    I use Snow Fungus mainly for salads and soups, but I recently discovered that Snow Fungus is often used for sweets in some Asian countries. Snow Fungus is tasteless and it has unique gelatinous texture, and it is believed that Snow Fungus has some medicinal benefits. Today I cooked it with Pear in lemony syrup. …

  • Fruit

    Raspberry Sauce

    I bought a bag of Frozen Raspberries. I was VERY DISAPPOINTED when I found most of the Raspberries were broken into tiny pieces. I picked good ones to make a dessert, and a lot of broken crumbles were left in the bag. What would you do with the crappy Raspberries? I made this sauce. It …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Raspberry Clafoutis

    My ‘Cherry Clafoutis’ recipe is really versatile and the simple batter can be baked with a variety of fruit. Today I used Raspberries. As Raspberries were quite sour, I added extra Sugar. Clafoutis is an absolutely easy and delicious dessert to make. Makes 6 to 8 Servings *I used 22.5cm Pie Dish Ingredients Raspberries *enough to …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Fruit Tart

    I made this Fruit Tart for my daughter’s birthday on her request. She changed her mind later and asked for Profiteroles, but I made it anyway. It looks complicated to make, but each element is simple. If you use store-bought Frozen Sweet Flan/Pie Base, it’s really easy to make. Today I used my Basic Shortcrust …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    ANZAC Apple Crumbles

    ‘ANZAC Biscuit’ is one of the most popular sweet biscuits in Australia. It has long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) established in World War I. Today I made this Apple Crumble with the Crumble similar to the ANZAC Biscuit dough. To enjoy the flavour of the Crumble, I didn’t …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Rustic Apple Pie

    Using my ‘Super Easy Puff Pastry’, I made this rustic looking Apple Pie today. You don’t need a pie dish. You form this pie on a piece of baking paper and bake it on a baking sheet or tray. The pie tends to get very crispy bottom. I am very happy with the result. Makes …

  • Bread Fruit

    Strawberry Brioche Sandwich

    I was a uni student when I first ate the delicious Fruit Sandwich. It was an ordinary sandwich made with Japanese Milk Bread and the filling of whipped cream and fruit. I had never had such a combination before. As Japanese Milk Bread is impossible to find where I live now, I use Brioche Loaf. …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Whole Banana Wrap Cakes

    This cake is very popular in the region in Japan where I grew up. I have never made it as I always bought it from stores. When my children were young, we lived there for a short period of time, and my children fell in love with this cake. It’s a very simple cake consisting …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit

    Super Easy Tarte Tatin

    If you are an expert of making this dessert, it is probably quite simple to make, but I have found it quite daunting. This is my own method that requires no particular equipment. You only need a round cake tin, and a microwave. It is absolutely easy and anyone can make this ‘Super Easy Tarte …

  • Drink Fruit

    Lime Slices & Sugar

    My next-door neighbour old couple is so kind and they share their garden harvest with us. Recently they gave us many Limes, which were ripe and yellow. To be honest, I don’t use Limes for cooking very often. I decided to make a preserve. I simply packed a jar with Lime slices and Sugar. A …

  • Fruit

    Lemon Curd

    Our lovely next-door neighbours are enthusiastic gardeners and they grow Vegetables and Fruit. They are very kind to share their harvests with us. A large bagful of Lemons are challenge for me to consume. Today I used 4 Lemons to make this Lemon Curd. Makes About 400ml Ingredients 2 Eggs2 Egg Yolks3/4 cup Caster Sugar …

  • Cold Sweets Fruit

    Strawberry Milk Jelly

    I tried to make ‘Strawberry Milk Jelly’. All recipes that I found required heating Milk and Sugar first, then add Gelatine, and finally add pureed Strawberries. I tried one recipe and I was totally disappointed. Guess what happened when I added pureed Strawberries to the warm milk mixture? Milk curdled because of the acidity of …

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