If you have a microwave, you can make Matcha Jelly quickly and easily. When the jelly is set in a large drinking glass, break it with a spoon, and add cold Milk. Milk can be sweetened with Condensed Milk OR Syrup. This is a lovely treat on a hot summer day for Matcha lovers. Makes …
‘Kinako’ is a Japanese name for the finely ground Roasted Soy Beans. It is a very popular food in many north Asian countries. As you can guess, ‘Kinako’ is 100% Soy Beans and it is a natural protein powder. ‘Kinako’ Latte (Kinako Milk) can be made by mixing it with Milk, but this is a …
Last week, when I was very unwell with a bad cold, my husband bought me a half cut of Watermelon. It was very kind of him. I wished if he could cut it into small cubes, so that I could eat some. Anyway, the Watermelon was sitting in the fridge for several days. When I …
It was when I was making ‘Instant Iced Tea’, I realised that I could make Lychee Tea in the same way. I made ‘Jasmine Tea & Lychee Agar Jelly’ the other day and I saved the leftover syrup from the can of Lychees and froze it in an ice tray. Using the frozen Lychee Syrup, …
I learned how to make Iced Tea from a song in a TV ad. It was decades ago and I still can sing it. The lyrics were in Japanese and the song goes like this. ♫ To make iced tea, make the tea stronger with less hot water, add sugar, place plenty of ice cubes …
The other day I made Lychee Tea using a can of Lychees in Syrup. I froze some leftover Lychees. Today I blended them with Milk and Vanilla Ice Cream. WOW! WOW! WOW! It was the best milkshake that I have ever tasted. Makes 1 Serving *300ml Ingredients 5 to 6 Lychees *plus extra for decoration1/2 …
It was my daughter who introduced Lychee Tea to me. It was a very sweet but refreshing drink. I usually don’t enjoy very sweet drinks, but I enjoyed it. Fresh Lychees are not easy to find where I live, but Canned Lychees are available from many supermarket stores. I bought one from a Woolworths store. …
My method of making Basic Syrup is simple. I cook same amount of Water and Sugar until slightly thickens. You can make Lemon Syrup in the same way. Cook same amount of Lemon Juice and Sugar. I don’t cook it for too long, but you can simmer it down to make the Syrup thick. This …
A few months ago, my husband tried cooking. His cooking is to follow every word in the recipe. One of the recipes he tried required Apple Cider Vinegar, which I didn’t have because I don’t use it for cooking. He only needed a very small amount and I said to him ordinary vinegar was good …
I wonder who invented this drink. I discovered it on the internet and many people are sharing the almost identical recipe. I was very skeptical about whipping up Instant Coffee mixed with Sugar, but I wanted to try. It was an experiment for me, so I tried with ordinary White Sugar, Caster Sugar and Powdered …
I have some Mint plants in my herb garden and they are growing well even though it’s winter now. I don’t use Mint for cooking very often but I wanted to use those fragrant leaves for something. So, I made this Green Mint Syrup today. The green colour comes from Mint leaves. No artificial ingredients …
I have been making Yoghurt at home for many years. We eat it mainly with Granola, however we stopped eating the very high-calorie Granola recently. We still should eat Yoghurt for health benefits. Lassi is a very quick & easy way to enjoy Yoghurt. I love to add Frozen Blueberries to it. I use my …