One of the most popular and authentic Japanese salad. This type of salad is called ‘Ae-mono’. This particular ‘Ae-mono’ is one of the refreshing dishes that I sometimes have a craving for when I am very tired. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 1 Continental Cucumber OR 2 smaller ones *about 300g2 to 3 tablespoons Dry Wakame1/4 …
Cooking Okonomiyaki takes time, especially when you make many. Why don’t you bake it in oven just like pizza? You can make very large Okonomiyaki at a time and you don’t need to flip it over. Again I listed Pork and Cabbage in this recipe. These can be substituted for any ingredients at all. Because …
‘Tataki’ refers to Beef or Fish that is lightly seared over high heat using a grid, leaving the center very rare. Cooking ‘Beef Tataki’ in the proper way is quite demanding. But my recipe is easy. Some people cook Beef in the oven, but I use a frying pan. This dish is quite easy to …
When I made ‘Soybean Sprouts Namul’ using the ordinary Bean Sprouts, I found it was lacking something. I added Soy Sauce and Toban Djan (Chilli Bean Sauce) to make its flavour stronger. Do not over cook Bean Sprouts. They should stay quite crunchy. Makes 2 Servings Ingredients 1 bag (250g) Bean Sprouts1 Spring Onion *finely …
Simply seasoned with salt and full of flavours. This salad can be a great topping for Ramen noodles. Do not overcook Bean Sprouts. They should stay crunchy. *Note: 2 bags of Bean Sprouts seem to be too large amount, but the volume will be significantly reduced when cooked. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 2 bags (500 …
Harusame are the noodles made from potato starch or mung bean starch. Low in calories and great for salad and soup. This dish is something we always crave for when weather is warmer.It’s so refreshing and yummy. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 200g Harusame Noodles (Bean Thread Noodles)1/2 to 1 Cucumber1 Carrot4 slices Ham2 Large Eggs …
Lighter colour Miso is recommended for this dish. Miso is quite salty, use small amount and test the flavour. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 1 head (*500g) Broccoli *cut into small florets1 teaspoon Miso *light colour miso preferred3 tablespoons Japanese Mayonnaise1/2 to 1 tablespoon Toasted Sesame Seeds *ground Method Cook Broccoli in the boiling water until …
This is one of the easiest and very popular Japanese recipes. You can add Chilli Flakes, Sesame Seeds, Sesame Oil OR Garlic for more flavour. ‘Katsuobushi (Bonito Flakes)’ can be replaced by canned Tuna. My children like the Tuna version better. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 2 Green Capsicums1 tablespoon Oil1 to 2 packets Katsuobushi (Bonito …
Sweet Miso goes so well with Eggplant. This dish is my husband’s all time favourite. He keeps telling everyone that Eggplants in Japanese dishes are so delicious. I asked him how most Australians cook the Eggplant. He said ‘just BBQ them.’ Ahhh… When you cook this dish, you need hot steamy rice to serve with …
Green Beans can be replaced with other Vegetables like Spinach, Carrot, Asian Mushrooms, Asparagus, Gobo, Broccoli, etc. This is one of the most popular ‘Ae-mono’, a type of Japanese salad, and my most favourite vegetable dish. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients About 350g Green Beans*Beans can be replaced with Spinach, Carrot, Japanese Mushrooms (eg. Shiitake & …
‘Goma-ae’ Sauce goes very well with many vegetables or Asian mushrooms. For this dish, please use Fresh Spinach, not frozen cooked spinach or shredded spinach. Thick and large leaves are most suitable, but you must not over-cook the Spinach because it should retain tender-crisp texture. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 1 bunch (*250 to 300g) Spinach …
In this recipe, I listed Pork and Cabbage as the main ingredients. However, these can be substituted for any ingredients. Because this is ‘Okonomiyaki’, you can use whatever ingredients you like. Makes 4 to 6 Servings Ingredients 2 cups Plain Flour OR Self-Raising Flour2 cups Water4 Eggs1 pinch Salt1/2 teaspoon Dashi Power *optional1/4 to 1/2 …