• Baked & Fried Sweets

    Earl Grey Tea Cookies

    You can use your favourite tea leaves, but I like to use Earl Grey. The tea leaves should be finely ground, so tea bags would be the easiest to use. I added the contents of 2 tea bags to my ‘Easiest Sweet Shortcrust Pastry’ that can be a fantastic cookie dough. Shortbread dough is also …

  • Donburi (Rice Bowl) Fish Sushi

    ‘Kabayaki’ Eel Sushi Rice Bowl

    ‘Kabayaki’ Eel is a popular filling for many different types of Sushi. Many Asian grocery stores and some supermarkets in Melbourne sell Frozen ‘Kabayaki’ Eel, sometimes called Roasted Eel OR Grilled Eel. I used it to make this Sushi Rice Bowl today. Quick and easy way to enjoy Eel, and it won’t cost too much. …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets

    Sweet Potato & Marshmallows

    I have come across an interesting YouTube video. British high school boys were tasting American Thanksgiving dishes, and one of them was a dessert called ‘Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallows.’ Many boys said it was extremely sweet. I had never known such a dessert and I was very curious, so I studied the recipes I …

  • Beans & Peas Lamb

    Stewed Lamb & Lentils

    The ingredient list looks big, but this is a simple and easy dish to cook. Lamb can be replaced with other meat, but I like to use Lamb for this dish, and I like to add plenty of Spices. You can use your favourite Spices and Herbs. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 500g lean Lamb *leg …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Bread

    Rice Cooker Sultana Bread

    This is a quick and easy Sultana Bread. You can make with regular Self-Raising Flour and without Yeast. The texture is similar to the Cake, but not too sweet. Slightly softer batter seems to work better when cooked in a rice cooker. If you want to bake it in the oven, use less Milk. Makes …

  • Spaghetti & Pasta

    Cold Angel Hair Pasta with Fiery Gochujang Sauce

    On a hot summer day, you don’t want to cook Pasta? Angel Hair Pasta (Capellini) can be cooked in 2-3 minutes. Cool the cooked pasta in cold water, and mix with the fiery sauce. Add plenty of refreshing salad vegetable and some protein, I added Roast Pork and Boiled Egg today. It’s spicy, sour, sweet …

  • Donburi (Rice Bowl) Fish

    ‘Kabayaki’ Eel Rice Bowl

    Have you tried ‘Kabayaki’ Eel on Rice when you visited Japan and enjoyed it? You can easily enjoy the dish at home. In Melbourne where I live, I use Frozen ‘Kabayaki’ Eel that is often named Roasted Eel OR Grilled Eel. It is most likely covered with brown sauce that can be very slimy. There …

  • Cooking Sauces

    ‘Kabayaki’ Sauce

    This is the recipe of traditional Japanese ‘Kabayaki’ Sauce that is often used to season grilled fish such as Eel and Sardine. It is easy to make at home. The most popular recipe requires Sugar, Mirin, Sake (Rice Wine) and Soy Sauce. The ratio is 1:1:1:1, that means you need a same amount of each. …

  • Other Soup

    Ginger & Turnip Soup

    I want to share my family’s ‘Ginger & Turnip Soup’ recipe. It is absolutely easy to make, and I guarantee it is a comforting and heart-warming soup. When you go grocery shopping next time, if you find a juicy Turnip, get one and try this soup. I enjoyed the meltingly soft Turnip in the thickened …

  • Vegetables

    Pumpkin Salad

    Sweet Pumpkin and salty Bacon are a delicious combination for this salad. Ham can be used instead of Bacon if you prefer. Use your favourite type of Pumpkin, but please be aware some types of Pumpkin tend to become very soft and wet when cooked. Those types are perfect for mushy salad. You can leave …

  • Donburi (Rice Bowl) Pork

    Okra & Pork Rice Bowl

    The main ingredient of this dish is Okra. It surprises me to know that there are many people who have never cooked OR eaten Okra. My favourite cooking method is deep-frying, but stir-frying would be the easiest. Today I stir-fried Okra with Pork, but you can use Chicken instead. As I always eat the dish …

  • Miso Soup

    Grated Daikon Miso Soup

    This Miso Soup might look boring, but it is a very comforting soup. It is one of the traditional Japanese soups. It looks slightly thickened, doesn’t it? It actually is because of Daikon (White Radish) that is finely grated. To enjoy the delicate texture of the soup, I like to add soft Tofu to it. …

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