• Vegetables

    Daikon & Carrot ‘Namasu’

    ’Namasu’ is vinegared vegetables and most commonly Daikon and Carrot are used because of their joyful red & white colours. There must be some different recipes for this dish, but my family’s recipe is simple. This is what my mother used to make. It is always quite sour. I sometimes have a craving for this …

  • Chicken

    Scrumptious Chicken Tenderloins

    There is a Japanese term ‘Hoppeta ga ochiru’ that means ‘cheeks drop’ and it is used to express something is really tasty and delicious and yummy and scrumptious! This chicken dish is certainly cheek-dropping! Makes 4 Servings Ingredients Chicken Tenderloins or Breast Fillets 500 to 600gPotato Starch Flour 2 to 3 tablespoonsOil 2 to 3 …

  • Sea Vegetables Vegetables

    Cabbage & Nori Salad

    Do you use Nori (Seaweed Sheets) for cooking other then Sushi? I use Nori for soup, salad and many other things. Try this Korean inspired Cabbage & Nori Salad.  Cabbage can be replaced with Lettuce.  I cook this salad quite often! Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 1/4 Cabbage *OR LettuceBoiling Water to soften Cabbage1 clove Garlic  …

  • Vegetables

    Carrot Ponzu Salad

    When I prepare Japanese style dinner, I always make one dish which is a Tsukemono (Pickled Vegetables), Sunomono (Vinegar vegetables) OR Aemono (Seasoned Vegetables). This Carrot dish can be made in five minutes. When you want to add one more dish to dinner table, it can be done easily. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients Carrots 2 …

  • Vegetables

    Ponzu Celery

    When I was a child, I hated Celery. I wish if I could have tried Australian Celery that are so juicy and delicious. When I needed another side dish for dinner on the other day, I made this salad. I simply mixed the sliced Celery and Ponzu. It was surprisingly tasty. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients …

  • Potato

    Satoimo ‘Cook & Roll’

    ‘Satoimo’ (Taro) that you find in Japan are rather small, definitely not a fist size like the Taro I often see in Australia. Japanese ‘Satoimo’ are available in frozen from many Asian grocery stores. I love its creamy & slimy texture. This dish is called ‘Nikkorogashi’ in Japan, and it means ‘Cook & Roll’. You …

  • Baked & Fried Sweets Fruit Sweets

    Strawberry Shortcake

    The most popular cake in Japan is probably this ‘Strawberry Shortcake’. I don’t know why it is called ‘Shortcake’ but we all think of this particular cake when speaking of ‘Shortcake’. Cake Tin 18 to 20cm Round Cake Tin Ingredients Sponge Cake3 Egg Whites3 Egg Yolks90g (100ml) Caster Sugar90g (150ml) Self-Raising Flour15g Butter *melted1/2 teaspoon …

  • Baked & Fried Rice Egg

    Omu-rice (Omelette Rice)

    Omu-rice (Omelette Rice) is a western-influenced style Japanese dish. According to a history book, the first ‘Omurice’ was served at a restaurant in Tokyo in 1900. Omu-rice is such a popular dish in Japan but Japanese restaurants in Australia don’t have it on their menu. I loved it when I was a little girl and …

  • Azuki (Red Beans) Sweets


    Do you know Doraemon, the Gadget Cat Robot from the Future? Doraemon is a character from Japanese classic comic series. He loves Dorayaki. Dorayaki is a simple sweet. Two small pancake-like sponge wrapped a filling of sweet Azuki red bean paste. It is easy to make at home. Makes 6 to 8 Ingredients Self-Raising Flour …

  • Fish

    Fried White Fish with Spicy Ponzu Sauce

    This dish is a lot easier to cook than it looks. A great dish even for a busy family’s dinner. Any white-meat fish is suitable for this recipe. You can add Tomato and Tabasco to the sauce for more refreshing flavour. Makes 4 Servings Ingredients 600 to 800g White Fish Fillets *e.g. Whiting, Blue Grenadier, …

  • Dips & Spreads Fish

    Tuna & Cream Cheese Dip

    I have been making this dip for many decades. It is so easy to make and everyone loves this dip. You must use Japanese mayonnaise to achieve the right flavour for this recipe. Ingredients 250g Cream Cheese1/3 to 1/2 cup Japanese Mayonnaise1 can (*95g) Tuna *Springwater OR Brine type1/4 to 1/2 Fresh Onion  *finely choppedFreshly …

  • Sushi

    Maki-zushi (Sushi Rolls)

    Sushi Roll shops are everywhere in Melbourne, and they are very popular, though quite expensive.  Some times I come across horrible Sushi Rolls that are made with wrong rice and bad seasonings.  Sushi Rolls are easy to make and it is a great fun. Ingredients Sushi RiceNori (Seaweed Sheets) Filling Suggestions Cucumber & WasabiCarrot (cooked …

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